張高賓Kao-Pin Chang2014-10-272014-10-272013-02-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11043本研究乃以單一受試多基準線實驗設計,藉由親子遊戲治療方案之介入,透過方案進行以提升施虐者親職功能,增進親子互動關係,改善兒童情緒困擾問題。本研究共有三戶家庭參與。三位母親,平均年齡39歲。三位兒童分別為二男一女,平均年齡9歲。研究工具包括修訂個別運用之親子遊戲治療方案、親子遊戲治療技巧檢核表、親子遊戲互動關係量表及阿肯巴克實證衡鑑系統。並以視覺分析、統計分析及社會效度獲得研究結果。研究發現修訂過的親子遊戲治療方案對於增進二位施虐者的親職功能、依附關係及減輕二位兒童的情緒問題有顯著的效果。The objects of study are mainly the abusive parents who need to take mandated parenting. Using single-case multiple design, this study examines the interventon effects of filial therapy on enhancing parenting functions of abusive parents, enhancing parent-child interactive relationships, and improving emotional disturbance of abused children. There were three mothers with an average age of 39 years, and three children (2 boys and 1 girl) with an average of 9 years. Research instruments used in the study include the revised edition of Landreth 10-Week Filial Therapy Model, Filial Therapy Skill Checklist, Parent-Child Play Interaction Relationship Checklist, and the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment. Visual analysis, statistical analysis, and social validity are used to assess the effects of intervention. Results indicated that the revised filial therapy model had significant effects on enhancing the parenting functions and attachment relationships of two mothers, and on lessening emotional disturbance of the children.依附關係情緒困擾強制性親職教育親子遊戲治療親職功能attachment relationshipemotional disturbancesfilial therapymandated parentingparental function喚醒他們的愛:親子遊戲治療對於提升施虐父母的親職功能及改善受虐兒童情緒困擾之成效Awakening love in family: The Effect of Filial Therapy on Elevating Parent Education of Abusive Parents and Improving Emotional Disturbances of Abused Children