陳書梅高豐蘋Chen Su-may SheihFeng-ping Kao2016-05-042016-05-042014-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77949近年來,金融風暴造成全球經濟衰退,許多民眾無法充分就業,臺灣亦面臨失業率高漲之危機。而公共圖書館為社會服務機構之一,其如何運用豐富的館藏資源協助民眾提升就業知能,並增進個人就業機會,實是值得吾人思考的議題。爰此,本研究採取問卷調查法,並輔以電話訪談,針對342 位台北市申請失業給付的民眾,探討其對公共圖書館生涯資訊服務之需求。調查結果顯示,就業機會、生涯規劃、評估個人興趣與技能為填答者最重視的三項生涯資訊。至於填答者希望公共圖書館典藏之生涯資訊,則包括就業機會、評估個人興趣與技能、公職或證照考試、生涯規劃相關的館藏資源等。此外,提供轉介服務、成立生涯資訊服務中心、舉辦生涯資訊相關活動、辦理生涯諮詢服務等,亦為填答者期望公共圖書館施行之生涯資訊服務。爰此,研究者建議公共圖書館,在館藏方面,宜積極更新生涯相關館藏並編制相關書目清單,同時亦提供失業民眾可緩解失業壓力與負面情緒的館藏資源;另外,公共圖書館尚可建置單一窗口之生涯資訊網路平台、辦理生涯資訊相關活動,或是設立生涯資訊服務中心,並可嘗試提供生涯諮詢及轉介服務。Taiwan was victimized for the high unemployment rate since financial crisis has brought about the global economic downturn. To restore the status of employment, it is worth to think how public libraries can help people raise their employability. This research deployed questionnaire and supportive telephone interviews to investigate unemployed people’s needs of career information service in public libraries. The samples were 342 citizens who had applied for unemployment compensation in Taipei City. According to the research result, information about employment opportunity, career planning, and personal aptitude were the most needed resources. The respondents expected public libraries to provide information about employment opportunity, personal aptitude, civil service exams and certification and license exams. Besides, referral service, career information service center, activities and events about career information, and consultation for career planning were also required. Based on the study result, it is proposed that public libraries could provide bibliography of career information resources and emotional healing materials, and further establish one-stop-shopping international platform, career related campaign, career information center, referral service, and career consulting service.生涯資訊服務公共圖書館失業給付Career Information ServicePublic LibraryUnemployment Benefits公共圖書館生涯資訊服務之調查研究─以申請失業給付之台北市民眾為例The Demand for Career Information Service in Public Libraries: A Study of the People Applying for Unemployment Benefits in Taipei City