莊連東Chuang, Lien-Tung孔雱瑩Kung, Pang-Ying2024-12-172024-01-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8407d29f0e00dc2def8bded589efe310/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/124036本文以生命中的消逝與轉化為主軸,嘗試透過繪畫創作,將生命與死亡、離別的情感、時間流逝等抽象課題轉化為具象的圖像表現。對筆者而言,消逝與存在並非兩種極端的面向,而是一體兩面、相互包含的。以死亡為題的創作,不只傳遞因逝去而起的憂傷,亦記錄著對逝者的悼念與對生命的包容,當我們在探討事物消逝變化的過程,同時也在找尋其本質與存在的意義。本創作研究包含五個章節,第一章為研究動機、研究內容與範圍、研究方法與名詞概述;第二章以生命中經歷的消逝作為主軸,談論消逝的意涵與因消逝而起的不同心境轉變,並與藝術系譜中的消逝題材相連接,探討不同形式與技法中紀錄消逝的方式;第三章延續自前述背景及動機,進一步說明筆者的主要創作理念、題材選擇、技法使用與實踐過程,筆者選擇以水墨、膠彩等媒材流動、暈染的特性,作為內心情感投射與轉化的使用媒介,盼能在梳理、記錄自我生命經驗的過程中,將個人心境感受擴及整體,觀察並呈現出世代共有的面貌。第四章則將針對系列中的作品內容與形式表現作個別說明,最後第五章為總結,將回顧整體創作與研究歷程,並展望未來更深入的創作面向。This research revolves around the themes of passing and transformation in life. It attempts to translate abstract topics such as life, death, separation, and the passage of time into concrete visual representations through artistic creation. For me, passing and existence aren't two extreme facets but rather interrelated aspects. The creative work on the topic of death not only conveys the sorrow that arises from loss but also records mourning for the departed and an acceptance of life. In exploring the process of things fading and changing, there's a simultaneous search for their essence and the meaning of existence. This research consists of five chapters. The first chapter covers the research motivation, content, scope, methods, and a brief overview of terminology. In the second chapter, the focus is on the experience of passing in life, discussing its significance and the different emotional changes it brings. It also connects with themes of passing in the artistic lineage, exploring various ways of documenting passing in different forms and techniques. The third chapter continues from the previous background and motivation, elaborating on the author's main creative concepts, choice of subjects, technique usage, and the practical process. The author uses mediums like ink and Japanese gouache, leveraging their flowing and blending characteristics as a means to project and transform inner emotions. The goal is to extend personal emotional experiences to a broader context, observing and presenting a shared generational perspective. The fourth chapter provides individual explanations for the content and formal expressions in the series. Finally, the fifth chapter serves as a conclusion, reviewing the entire creative and research process and anticipating deeper creative directions in the future.水墨創作生命消逝轉化Ink PaintingLifeDisappearanceTransformation生命中的消逝與轉化——孔雱瑩創作論述與實踐Disappearance and Transformation in Life — The Creative Thesis and Practice of Kung Pang Ying's Art Works學術論文