王梅玲陳巧倫2014-10-272014-10-272009-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15466網際網路促成數位學習發展,如今成為高等教育潮流,美國10 餘所圖書資訊學研究所提供數位碩士學程已培養許多圖書館專業人才。我國公共圖書館與學校圖書館普遍存在許多工作人員未受過專業教育的問題,因此圖書資訊學 數位課程與學程長久以來受到期待。本論文基於數位學習品質保證原理,以行動研究方法,探討圖書資訊學數位課程的設計與發展。研究目的包括:(1)探討數位 學習品質保證原理與機制;(2)運用品質保證規範以設計數位課程;(3)以行動研究發展圖書資訊學數位學習專班與數位課程;(4)檢討品質保證對數位課程 發展之成效。本研究於2007年至2008 年間研發六門數位課程,包括知識組織與資訊取用、研究方法、學校圖書館管理、檔案學研究、圖書資訊學研討與數位圖書館等課程,利用行動研究,規劃與發展課 程,並藉課程評鑑回饋修正,最後總結並提出建議。E-learning is flourishing in higher education due to its ability to lift time and place restrictions from teaching and learning. Because many library staff has not received professional education, more E-learning curricula and programs by Library and Information Science schools is something that many libraries in Taiwan look forward to. Facing demand for E-learning from library staff, the Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies (LIAS) at National Cheng-Chi University undertook an experimental curriculum project. The purpose of this study was to develop an E-learning master’s program with six E-learning curricula for library staff and instructors in senior high schools in accordance with quality assurance mechanism .The study was conducted as action research with five stages as follows: (a) describing the problem and its focus; (b) exploring some action options for the problem; (c)seeking collaborative partners and discussing; (d)undertaking action options: the five lecturers of the LIAS planned and developed six E-learning courses with web-based learning systems; (f) evaluation and feedback: six courses were modified according to student learning outcome assessments and course reviews. In 2008, six E-learning courses were developed and program and curricular accreditation was applied for from the Ministry of Education. Six e-learning courses were Information, Organization and Access; Research Methodology; School Library Management; Seminar on Archival Studies; Seminar on Library and Information Science; and Digital Libraries. In addition to describing the planning and implementation of the curriculum, the article also reviews the effectiveness of E-learning teaching and learning, as well as offering final conclusions and recommendations.數位學習認可品質保證圖書資訊學教育網路教育行動研究課程發展E-LearningAccreditationQuality assuranceLibrary and I\information science educationWeb-based instructionAction researchCurriculum development品質保證應用在圖書資訊學數位課程發展之行動研究Action Research on E-learning Curriculum Development in Library and Information Science with Quality Assurance