Yi-Ping Huang2016-05-102016-05-102012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78775臺灣高等教育「英語授課」科目雖如雨後春筍般設立,但這些課程到底如何設計或實施都缺乏實證研究,因此,本文以質性個案研究方式,針對北部一所私立大學「英語授課」課程的設計、實施、與成效,從行政主管、教師、與老師等多元角度,提供深入探討。研究結果顯示:各方肯定以沈浸式英語授課為協助學生大三出國作準備的設計,該設計卻無法提升學生以英語表達學術專業的能力。本文點出語言教師在「英語授課」課程設計與實施的重要性,並呼籲跨學科合作,以提高英語授課的品質。Although content-area courses adopting English-medium (EM) instruction have become more widespread in university-level settings in response to the internationalization of higher education (de Wit, 2002), many operate on the unspoken and inaccurate assumptions that all the students and teachers are capable of learning or teaching content in English (Erling & Hilgendorf, 2006a, 2006b). This paper aims to provide an in-depth understanding of how students, teachers, and administrators perceive the design, implementation, and effectiveness of EM curriculum through a qualitative case study on a university campus in Taiwan. Interviews with three administrators, four teachers, and twenty-four students were conducted. Data were reconstructed and analyzed based on Carspecken’s (1996) reconstructive analysis. The findings showed great satisfaction with the socio-cultural aspects of content learning and enhanced English abilities but unanimous concerns over the discipline-specific knowledge and English abilities, rendering unsatisfactory feelings toward the proportional design of the immersion program with the implementation of the English-only policy. The paper, thus, calls for additional attention to EM curriculum design and implementation involving the joint efforts of language and content teachers. Pedagogical implications and directions for future research are also provided.英語授課高等教育國際化課程設計English-medium instruction (EMI)internationalization of higher educationcurriculum design臺灣高等教育「英語授課」科目之 課程設計與實施:質性個案研究