莊佳穎Zhuang, Jia-Ying韓恩妮HAN EN-NI2024-12-172024-08-062024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c640dc3f1fa1cc4d718af28ccac87044/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122668本研究以布迪厄的場域理論為核心視角出發,旨在研究並分析,當代台灣漫畫被納入國家文化創意產業政策的一環、地位受到提升的同時,在台灣漫畫市場中卻又是處於相對弱勢的小眾;此種矛盾性如何反映在台漫場域的內外,形成一種「分歧的象徵鬥爭現場」。在台灣漫畫的場域中,台漫作為一種不可或缺的重要文本,其生產者也是場域中的重要實踐者。然而,隨著時代的發展,台漫的生產者面臨了數種漸進式的矛盾。這些矛盾主要圍繞著外部的文創產業之文化場域、國家文化政策之權力場域,和台漫場域內行動者的自我認同而發生。本研究希望透過考察台漫發展的歷史脈絡,並藉由與現今文創產業政策密切相關的台灣漫畫家進行半結構式訪談、分析合乎本研究所欲聚焦主題的台漫文本,並親自到政府建置的台漫想像空間進行參與觀察,藉此釐清當代台漫場域中的行動者,如何透過實踐完成自身定位的協商與展示,以及實踐在場域不同層次間產生的差異。本研究認為台漫創作者面臨的處境,乃至整個台漫場域中發生的鬥爭與實踐,即是行動者與社會場域交互作用的最佳體現。同時,釐清與正視台漫場域的問題,亦有助於使台灣漫畫的發展不再重蹈中途斷裂的覆轍。最終,筆者亦期許能透過本研究梳理台灣漫畫創作者在場域內外凝聚的力量,以及面臨的挑戰,並為台漫的發展呈現嶄新的可能性。Using Bourdieu's field theory as a guide, this thesis analyzes the paradoxical status of contemporary Taiwanese comics as they are separated from the national cultural and creative industries. Although it has been elevated as a part of Taiwan's cultural and creative industry policy, the Taiwanese comics remains marginalized in the domestic market. In the field of Taiwanese comics, the texts serve as essential culture object, and their creators are the most important agents in the field. Over time, however, these creators have been confronted with several gradual contradictions. These contradictions primarily revolve around the cultural and creative industries, national cultural policies, and the self-identity of agents within the Field of Taiwanese comic. This thesis aims to clarify how agents within the contemporary Field of Taiwanese comic negotiate and represent their positions through practice, as well as the differences that are generated at different levels within the field. The research includes an examination of the historical context of the development of Taiwanese comics, Semi-structured interviews with Taiwanese comic artists, and analysis of Taiwanese comic texts relevant to the focus of the thesis. In addition, personal participation observation will be conducted within government-established Taiwanese comic spaces.The plight of Taiwanese comic artists, as well as the struggles and practices within the entire Field of Taiwanese comic, exemplify the interaction between agents and social space. Addressing and acknowledging the problems within the Field of Taiwanese comic can prevent the repetition of past disruptions in the development of Taiwanese comics. The study aims to consolidate the strengths and challenges faced by Taiwanese comic artists within and outside the field. This thesis hopes that this will provide new opportunities for the development of Taiwanese comics.台灣漫畫台灣漫畫家場域象徵鬥爭文化創意產業Taiwanese comicTaiwanese comic artistsfieldsymbolic struggleCultural and Creative Industry分歧的象徵鬥爭現場——以當代台漫場域為例The Symbolic Struggles: A Case Study of the Field of Contemporary Taiwanese Comics學術論文