張千惠葉淑欣YEH, Shu-Hsin2019-08-282017-7-252019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0500091217%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91553本研究主要的目的是探討實施同儕協助學習策略於閱讀課中,教師所面臨的困境與因應策略,並且透過此教學策略的實施,瞭解國中資源班學生的閱讀理解成效,以及學習反應。 研究採取行動研究,受試者為國中資源班學生,共八位。進行為期十六週,共四十八節課的教學。研究者透過學習單、觀察記錄、省思札記、訪談記錄、自編閱讀理解測驗與學生學習反應調查表等方式蒐集資料,並進行分析與探討,研究結果如下。 一、實施同儕協助學習策略於閱讀課中,教師所面臨的困境為:1.組別難以獨立完成練習。2.答題反應較僵化。3.容易忘記活動規則。4.核對答案判斷能力不足。5.各組反應時間差異大。6.部分組員易因精神與情緒影響表現。7.組員不易固定。8.教室空間太小,會互相干擾。依據以上的困境,其因應策略為:1.教師需隨時協助與檢視各組進行情形。2.活動設計需有結構與提示。3.教師需於活動時提醒規則,並於課後給予錯誤的組別校正。4.教師需先批改學習單,於課程中協助。5.適時調整各組活動流程。6.隨時關心組員,並給予協助。7.教師宜依據出席者適當分配組員。8.選擇較大空間的教室。 二、透過同儕協助學習策略教學後,國中資源班學生的閱讀理解整體上有進步。不論在「瞭解文章的基本事實」和「抽取文章的重點大意」,以及「推論」和「分析與比較」的能力,皆有提升。 三、同儕協助學習策略教學後,國中資源班學生對同儕學習策略於閱讀課的看法,以及對閱讀的態度,整體是正向的反應。This study was to investigate the implementation of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) in reading class where teachers faced difficulties and then used coping strategies. Teachers implemented through the PALS to understand the reading comprehension effectiveness and learning responses of junior high school students in the resource classrooms. This study adopted action research. The subjects were eight students in the resource classrooms. We conducted forty-eight classes, sixteen weeks of instruction. I collected the data by studying worksheets, observation records, reflections notes, interview records, self-edited reading comprehension tests and questionnaires of students’ learning responses for analysis and research. The results are as follows: During the implementation of the PALS in reading class, difficulties faced by teachers were: First, the groups had difficulty in completing an independent practice. Second, answer reactions were more rigid when there were repeated activities. Third, easy to forget activity rules. Fourth, students were lack of the judgment to check the answers. Fifth, each group had large differences in reaction time. Sixth, some members were easily affected by mental and emotional performance. Seventh, members were not easily fixed. Eighth, classroom space was too small, so students would interfere with each other. According to the above difficulties, I adopted following coping strategies: First, teachers needed to help at any time and manipulate the situation of each group. Second, activity design needed for structure and tips. Third, teachers needed to remind the rules during activities and give correction to erred group after class. Fourth, teachers needed to correct worksheets in advance and assist students correspondingly during the course. Fifth, adjust the flow of activities in each group. Sixth, always assist and concern about the crew. Seventh, teachers should distribute appropriately according to their attendance. Eighth, choose a larger classroom . Through the PALS, junior high school students in the resource classrooms made progress in reading comprehension. There were increases in the abilities to "understand the basic facts of the article" and to"extract the effect focus of the article". Moreover, students did better in the abilities to "infer" and to "analyse and compare". After the implementation of PALS, junior high school students in the resource classrooms had positive learning responses to the views of PALS in reading class and to the attitude of reading.同儕協助學習策略國中資源班學生閱讀行動研究peer-assisted learning strategiesjunior high schoolstudents of the resource classroomsreadingaction research同儕協助學習策略對國中資源班學生閱讀成效之行動研究An Action Research on Reading Effects of the Junior High School Students of the Resource Classrooms by Using Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies