沈六2014-10-272014-10-272002-02-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30325本文探究影響道德發展的家庭脈絡因素,此為研究影響道德發展除學校與社會的相關因素之外的又一重要且不可或缺的部分。本文採理論分析法進行文獻探討,以探求影響道德發展的家庭脈絡因素。本文發現除家庭背景因素,包括性別、出生序別、家庭結構、居住區域、父母婚姻狀況、居住狀況、父母教育程度、父母職業等,可能為道德發展的相關因素之外;舉凡家庭哲學、家庭價值、家庭人口、家庭情感、居家環境等皆是影響道德發展的相關因素。Throughout the last 30 years of moral development theory and research, the conceptual and empirical studies have been on moral development within the context of schooling. However, the family has not received adequate conceptual or empirical attention as a significant context for moral development. The consequence is that the family context for moral development has been relegated to the sidelines. The intent of this study was simply to prompt a renewed look at parent's and the family's role in children's moral development, and to investigate the family context for moral development.道德發展家庭脈絡家庭結構家庭互動家庭價值觀父母教養方式家庭社經地位家庭哲學家庭情感道德發展的家庭脈絡因素The Family Context for Moral Development