胡心慈Xin-Ci Hu蘇郁涵Yu-Han Su2019-08-282014-7-132019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0500091214%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91552本研究旨在探討東部地區國立高中職身心障礙資源班實施現況。研究工具為研究者自編之「東部地區國立高中職身心障礙資源班實施現況問卷」,共寄出90份問卷,回收有效問卷90份,回收率100.0%。所得資料以次數分配、百分比進行分析。所得結果如下: 一、行政運作方面 1、東部地區國立高中職資源班已全面成立特殊教育推行委員會,業務多數歸屬在輔導室。 2、在無障礙設施方面問題主要顯現在無障礙設施之「動線規劃」及「保養與維修」方面。 3、在特教經費部分,有超過半數學校認為是足夠的。 4、行政運作方面問題,以行政人員特教知能不足居多。 二、課程教學方面 1、資源班實施課程以學科課程為主,其次才是特殊需求領域課程。 2、在教學調整方面,以調整學習內容的難度與份量及調整作業完成時間居多;在考試調整方面,以調整成績計算標準為多數。 三、學生輔導方面 1、學生輔導內容,以學習輔導居多,其次為心理輔導。 2、有關社區資源整合部分,以特教資源中心的連結居多,其次為大學特教中心的諮詢。 四、師資方面 1、就資源班教師流動率而言,多數學校認為資源班教師流動率較高。 2、東部地區國立高中職有超過一半以上資源班教師無學科第二專長。 3、師資方面問題,以人力不足居多。 五、實施成效方面 1、身心障礙學生輔導成效方面,以身心障礙學生情緒穩定居多。 2、對學校教師協助成效方面,以教師願意配合評量調整的成效居多。 3、就同儕輔導成效方面,以學生較能適應班級活動居多。 4、家長輔導成效方面,以家長對資源班較運作了解居多。 本研究亦針對教育行政單位、學校、教師以及未來的研究提出建議,期能做為推動高中職身心障礙資源班實施之參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of resource rooms in national high schools/ vocational schools in eastern areas of Taiwan. The questionnaires were used to collect information on the topic “The current situation of implementation of resource rooms in national high schools/ vocational schools in eastern Taiwan.” All of the copies were returned after 90 questionnaires were sent out (The valid response rates are 100%). The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage . The results show as follows: 1. The aspect of execution of administration: a. The resource rooms from all over national high schools/ vocational schools in eastern Taiwan have Committee of School Special Education. b. Routes designing and maintenance are two major questions in the aspect of accessible facilities. c. From the respective of special education funding, over half of the schools say that the financial aids are enough. d. The executive have insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of special education. 2. About teaching and curriculum: a. The curriculum of resource rooms mainly consists of academic subjects, while special courses are in the second place. b. The difficulties and quantities of learning materials and the deadline of homework are the focus of teaching adjustment; the scoring guideline is focused from the perspective of assessments. 3. The aspect of student counseling: a. Learning counseling is primary in student counseling, the following is mental health counseling. b. Special education resource centers are most in the integration of community resource, the following is special education centers in colleges. 4. The aspect of faculty: a.Most schools say that the turnover of special education teaches is high. b. Over half of special education teachers in national high schools/ vocational schools in eastern Taiwan do not have a second skill beyond their own specialty. c. Apparently, the lack of special education teachers is available in the schools. 5. The aspect of achievements: a. For the achievements of counseling in mentally ill students, the students take advantage of the counseling in improvements of emotional barriers. b. As for achievements in teachers, teachers are more willing to implement assessment accommodations c. Students of resource rooms can participate well regular classes activities. d. For those students of resource rooms, their parents better understand the operation of resource rooms. Being as a reference regarding the implementation of resource classrooms in high schools, this current study provided recommendations for education administration authority, schools, teachers, parents, and further studies.身心障礙資源班東部地區高中職學校resource roomseastern areashigh schools/ vocational schools東部地區國立高中職身心障礙資源班實施現況研究The Study of the Implementation of Resource Rooms in National High Schools/ Vocational Schools in Eastern Areas of Taiwan