國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所潘淑滿2014-12-272014-12-272004-06-011028-7337http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42935在本研究中,主要是延續女性主義福利學家,對T.H.Marshall的citizenship of social right的批判。並從性別平權觀點切入,探討一九九0年代之後興起的跨國移民風潮中,東南亞籍婚姻移民婦女在移居台灣之後,當遭受婚姻暴力時之求助經驗及第一線提供受虐婦女相關服務之工作人員的處遇經驗。透過對二十位在第一線提供受虐婚姻移民婦女相關服務的社會工作及警察人員的訪談過程中,深入暸解第一線工作人員對於婚姻移民婦女遭受婚姻暴力的看法及其在協助過程,因婚姻移民婦女公民身分的特殊性,所衍生出與社會福利權之互動關係及其批判。In this article, the author argues that the discussion of domestic violence among immigrant brides in Taiwan and their accessibility of social service resources should go beyond T.H. Marshall's concept of citizenship, and redefining citizenship has to focus on people's live experiences rather than work. This article analyzes data of interviewing with 20 subjects who provide a variety of helps to abused immigrant brides in the past years and shows that the bodies of immigrant brides are commonly valued as a commodity in Taiwan, a country without any immigrant policy.婚姻移民婦女公民權婚姻暴力公民身分社會福利權Immigrant bridesDomestic violenceCitizenship of social rightsCitizenshipSocial rights婚姻移民婦女、公民權與婚姻暴力Immigrant Brides, Citizenship and Domestic Violence