張玉茹Yu-Ju Chang 2014-10-272014-10-272009-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11733本研究之目的如下:一、發展出適用於大學生研究計畫寫作的混成學習方式;二、探討混成學習與傳統學習的學生在研究計畫寫作態度、班級氣氛與寫作品質上是否有差異;三、探究混成學習在研究計畫寫作學習應用的問題與解決方式。研究對象為國立暨南國際大學比較教育學系的兩個班級,在兩個班級中隨機分派一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。研究結果如下:一、適用於大學生研究計畫寫作的混成學習方式為:以面對面學習為主軸再融入數位學習;二、實施混成學習與傳統學習的學生在研究計畫寫作態度、班級氣氛與研究計畫寫作品質有顯著差異存在;三、混成學習在研究計畫寫作應用的問題與解決方式主要以線上討論為主,分成線上討論實施前、中、後加以陳述。The purpose of this study was: (1) to find practical blended learning way in research proposal writing class of undergraduate; (2) to compare the differences of research proposal writing attitude, classroom climate, and quality between blended and typical learning; and (3) to analyze the difficulty in the process and provide ways to solve. There were 76 undergraduate students (2 classes) selected from Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University. One class was empirical group, and the other was control group. The subjects were administered "Research Proposal Writing Attitude Inventory", "Classroom Climate Inventory", and "Research Proposal Writing Quality Inventory". The results were as follows: (1) the suitable blended learning applied in research proposal writing was blending e-Learning on the basis of fact-to-face learning; (2) there were differences of research proposal writing attitude, classroom climate and proposal writing quality between blended learning and typical learning; and (3) the problems and solutions of research proposal writing online discussion was mentioned by before carrying on, carrying on, and after carrying on. Some suggestions was given according to the research results and further research.研究計畫寫作研究計畫寫作品質研究計畫寫作態度班級氣氛混成學習research proposal writingresearch proposal writing qualityresearch proposal writing attitudeclassroom climateblended learning混成學習對大學生研究計畫寫作態度、寫作品質與班級氣氛的影響The Effect of Blended Learning on Research Proposal Writing Attitude, Classroom Climate, and Quality in Research Proposal Writing Class of Undergraduates