林怡君Yi-Chun Lin謝宛芸Wan-Yun Hsieh2019-08-282018-7-32019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060086035I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84910N/AThe rapid advancement of technology and transportation creates a global market that highlights the importance of individuals’ ability to manage and resolve conflict with clients and business partners all over the world. The internationalization of market not only leads to a significant incensement of cross-cultural interaction between people, but also enhances the use of diverse workforce in global villages. As the workforce moving globally, the issue of cross cultural adjustment has been draw attention for many years. The longer period of adaptation people take, the greater amounts of cost an organization spends on the overseas assignment. To increase the intercultural effectiveness to construct organization global competition advantages, many researchers have constantly examined the relationship between cultural intelligence (CQ) and cross-cultural adjustment during the past ten years; however, few researchers took individuals mental status as well as the outside factors into consideration while exploring antecedents affecting the intercultural effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among CQ, cross-cultural adjustment, psychological capital (PsyCap), and perceived supervisor support (PSS) through the paper-based questionnaires which collected from 538 Philippine labors in Taiwan. The statistic software of SPSS v18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used to analyze by hierarchical regression and structural equation model (SEM). The result indicated that PsyCap plays as a partial mediating link between CQ and cross-cultural adjustment and PSS served as a moderator on the relationship between PsyCap and cross-cultural adjustment. The result of this study helps human resource practitioners understand the foreign laborers’ current situation and the HR practitioners can apply it as one of the selection criteria for successful overseas assignment. In other words, as recruiting employees with positive psychological status, organizations easily take competitive challenges and obtain more business opportunities in the global market.文化智商跨文化適應心理資本知覺主管支持cultural intelligencecross-cultural adjustmentpsychological capitalperceived supervisor support文化智商、心理資本、知覺主管支持與跨文化適應關聯性之研究-以台灣外籍勞工為例The Relationships Among Cultural Intelligence, Cross-cultural Adjustment, Psychological Capital, and Perceived Supervisor Support: Philippine Labors Working in Taiwan