許榮富2014-10-272014-10-271979-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17624本論文旨在提供一半經驗理論模式以評估各元素之平均激發能數值,此模式之計算式是得自運用蒙特卡羅近似值計算技巧各元素之最低游離能,可以簡化成右式表示之:Iz±1,s=Iz,s±iz±1,s,此處I係指元素之平均激發能,i係指該元素之最低游離能,z及s分別表示該元素於週其表上之原子序及週期位序。本文所評估之元素平均激發能指數亦分別與得自分析其他六大派理論家所提理論值及另十四實驗家所得之實驗平均值作一比較,結果發現:本文所評估之數值,於極大多數之元素中,均較其他理論值更能與實驗平均值吻合。另一方面,本文亦同時對一些其他理論模式及實驗均未曾作過之元素的平均激發能作一預估。In this paper we propose a semiemperical model for the mean excitation energy, I, for all elements. By making use of the Monte Carlo technigue and the lowest (class 1) ionization potentials of the elements, we find that the mean excitation energy, I , can be expressed by Iz±1,s=Iz,s+iz±1,s where I is the lowest ionization potential and the subscripts Z and S are respectively refered to the atomic number and the periodic order of the element.The I-values from our model are compared with those obtained from six other theoretical models as well as the average experimental values , It is found that our I-values are in good agreement with the experimental data for most elements and our model is over all much better than the others.原素撞擊物質質子Mean Excitation Energy of the Elements for Proton Penetration in Matter由質子撞擊物質之資料評估各原素之平均激發能