張雪梅蕭佩蘭2019-08-282016-08-102019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699070200%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88660本研究旨在瞭解大學校院學生事務處之公共關係,針對大學校院學務人員對公共關係之重要性及實際狀況的知覺進行研究,研究內容包含「活動計畫與決策」、「校內外溝通傳播」、「校內外支持參與」、「公關活動成效評估」四個層面,每一層面包括有校內及校外兩個面向,合計有八個面向。分析各面向的知覺情況及不同背景變項學務人員的差異,其中個人背景變項包含:性別、年齡、學務工作年資、現職、最高學歷、專攻領域、服務單位等七項;學校環境變項部分包含:學校類型、學校地區、服務單位主管身分等三項。 本研究採問卷調查法,針對101學年度全國大學校院學生事務處人員,依比例抽樣進行施測。研究問卷為研究者自編之「大學校院學生事務處公共關係問卷」,共計發出1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷計911份。採用之統計方法包括:描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及IPA模式分析,主要研究發現如下: 一、不同背景變項之大學學務人員對公共關係重要性及實際狀況的知覺,在「活動計畫與決策」、「校內外溝通傳播」、「校內外支持參與」、「公關活動成效評估」四個層面,皆是校內面向的知覺高於校外面向,其中以「校內溝通傳播」最高。 二、不同背景變項(性別、年齡、學務工作年資、現職、最高學歷、服務單位、學校類型)之學務人員對公共關係重要性的知覺,在全部八個面向中,分別皆有六個面向以上,有顯著差異。 三、不同背景變項(性別、年齡、學務工作年資、現職、最高學歷、服務單位、學校類型、單位主管身分)之學務人員對公共關係實際狀況的知覺,在全部八個面向中,分別皆有五個面向以上,有顯著差異。 四、以IPA模式分析公共關係題項,發現落於象限Ⅰ「繼續保持」之題項佔46%,各題項皆屬校內公共關係面向;落於象限Ⅱ「過度投入」之題項僅有1題,此題項屬校內公共關係面向;落於象限Ⅲ「低度優先」之題項佔52%,其中多數屬校外公共關係面向;無任何題向落於象限Ⅳ「優先改善」。 五、學務處推展公共關係之困境主要有「時間及人力」、「制度發展」、「概念整合」、「經費資源」及「人員參與」等。 本研究依上述研究發現,對學生事務人員、學生事務處、學校提出建議,以作為未來學務處推動公共關係之參考。This research is to understand the offices of students affairs’ public relationship of universities and colleges, and it carry out in two parts-the importance of public relationship and the practical situation. Every part has four levels: activities’ planning and decision, the communication and the dissemination, the endorsement and participation, the assessment of the achievement of the public relationship’s activities. Each level has two different approaches: inside and outside of school. The variables of personal background include: gender, age, years of working in students’ affairs, present job, highest level of education, specialization, working department; the variables of school environment include: type of school, the location of school, the head of the working department’s identity. This Research work by questionnaire survey, it tests the 101 academic year’s staff of the offices of students’ affairs of universities and colleges proportionally. The questionnaire is “The Questionnaire of the offices of students affairs’ public relationship of universities and colleges”, which is made by researcher. The statistical approaches this research use include: Proportional Sampling, Paired-Samples T Test, One-way ANOVA , Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA . Questionnaire has given out 1200 pieces, and got 911 effective ones back. The main discovers are as follow: 1.The Sequence of the consciousness about the importance of public relationship and the practical situation of the staff of the offices of students’ affairs from different background variables shows that the approach of inside of school higher than outside in every level, especially the approach “the communication and the dissemination”is the highest one in every approaches. 2.There are over six approaches show the obvious difference from the consciousness of the importance of public relationship from the staff of the offices of students’ affairs from different background variables (gender, age, years of working in students’ affairs, present job, highest level of education, specialization, working department). 3.There are over five approaches show the obvious difference from the consciousness of the practical situation of public relationship from the staff of the offices of students’ affairs from different background variables (gender, age, years of working in students’ affairs, present job, highest level of education, specialization, working department). 4.After analyzing 46 questions of public relationship through IPA, there are 21 questions in quadrant I “Keep Up the Good Work”, it takes 46% of all questions, and every question is in the approach of inside public relationship of school; only 1 question in quadrant II “Possible Overkill”, it takes 2% of all ,and it’s in the approach of inside public relationship of school; and there are 24 questions in quadrant III “Low Priority”, it takes 52%, and most of them are about the approach of outside public relationship of school; And there’s none in quadrant IV“Concentrate Here”, which takes 0% of all questions. 5.The dilemma that the offices of students’ affairs practice public relationship has five different levels: time and human, system development, ideas integration, money and resources, and people participation. Through above, those discoveries can give some advices to the staff of students’ affairs, the offices of students’ affairs, and schools. It can be the reference to practice public relationship by the offices of students’ affairs.大學學生事務處公共關係The office of students’ affairs of universities and collegesPublic relationship大學校院學生事務處公共關係研究The Research of Offices of Students’ Affairs’ Public Relationship of Universities and Colleges