湯添進Tan, Tien-Chin吳燿宇Wu, Yau-Yu2022-06-082021-10-202022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/967d381ba089a2110b4a0a0e90f2bda2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118230長期以來臺灣政府對於游泳教育相當重視,如2000年的「提升學生游泳能力中程計畫」、2005年的「推動學生游泳能力方案」與「泳起來專案」等皆為明證。對應政策的實施,政府亦逐步改善游泳池營運體制,於人口稠密之都會區興建國民運動中心便是具體行為之一。各運動中心裡,游泳池也是常備設施之一。游泳池的營運方式多元,如公立委外、民營、社區游泳池及學校游泳池等。然在社會結構改變、國民運動風氣板塊移轉等影響下民營游泳池的營運面臨極大挑戰。本研究以新店區D游泳池為研究對象並輔以Porter提出的五力分析架構及深度訪談試圖釐清:一、D泳池所面對的產業環境競爭現況為何?二、D泳池所採行的競爭策略為何之問題。研究結果發現Porter五力分析的結果,「現有競爭者的威脅」、「替代品的威脅」原先對D泳池的威脅程度相對較高,但D泳池運用「差異化策略」,結合游泳池地理環境及設施設備的獨特條件,以及經營者的業務溝通能力及垂直整合能力,發展出了親子俱樂部、鐵人三項及自由潛水等等特色項目,將威脅降至最低。差異化的特殊性,亦讓消費者對於價格的敏感度較低。本研究之建議:一、於實務面:對私營游泳池而言,瞭解場館之特質及目標客群,並制訂差異化策略,維持在產業內的競爭力,應避免低成本策略而陷入削價競爭;二、於學術面:建議未來研究可針對游泳池的產業週期或者價值鏈亦或策略適配,進行更細部的研究,或者其他地區之私立自營游泳池之研究,並依據研究主題選擇受訪者,整理各別之研究考量對象,以獲得更貼近的結論。Taiwan government has placed importance to swimming learnings by carrying out different projects to improve students' swimming ability. In the meanwhile, the government also takes steps of improving operation of swimming pools. One of concrete policies is to establish public sports centers which include swimming pools in populated urban areas. Besides the pools in the public sports centers, there are also public to private, fully private, community-owned, and school-owned pools. With the change of social structure and general preference of physical workout among people in Taiwan, private pools are facing great challenges of operation.Taking the"D swimming pool (D pool)" in Xindian, Taipei as a case study, this thesis intends to study the competitive strategies of private swimming pools with the Five Forces Analysis approach, which was brought up by Michael E. Porter, and tries to answer two questions: what challenges the D pool is facing in the swimming industry, and what strategy the D pool is adopting? The study finds that "competitors in the same industry" and "the substitutes" can pose threat to the D pool. However, the operator of the D pool adopts strategies to differentiate the pool from other pools by developing special events, like the parent-child club, triathlon and free diving trainings, in combination of the unique interior facilities and exterior surroundings of the pool, as well as the operator's business communication capabilities. Therefore, the D pool can minimize the impact of the threats from other competitors and substitutes and established higher degree of customers' loyalty. Moreover, its customers are less sensitive to the price. The study would like to conclude with two recommendations. For the operators of private swimming pools, they need to adopt differentiation strategies, which can magnify the uniqueness of their facilities and serve their target customers. Those strategies can help the pools maintain the competitiveness and avoid from low-price competition. For academic experts, they can consider studying swimming pools in other cities or the business cycle of the industry to provide better operations suggestions to the industry.游泳池五力分析競爭策略Swimming PoolFive Forces AnalysisCompetitive Strategy運用麥克波特五力分析探討私立自營游泳池競爭策略─以D泳池為例A Study on the Five Force Analysis of Private Self-operated Swimming Pool- Take D Swimming Pool as a Case學術論文