李振明許君瑋Chun-Wei Hsu2020-12-102011-8-252020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600289%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115335本創作研究主要是以探討水墨發展的現象和創作上的可能性,並以異質圖像介入水墨圖像語彙的組構,作為論題的核心。 第一章緒論。簡述當代水墨的發展現況,闡述自身面對水墨的創作態度,以及欲於創作中呈現對於日常生活現象的關注,期能反映當代的生活型態。 第二章文獻探討。梳理兩岸近代水墨變革的相關論述,歸結文化自我認同的難題,以此檢視台灣當代水墨,提出文人畫的新詮釋,「後文人彩墨」現象。文中藉由古代文人與現代知識分子的身分的觀照,回應尷尬的水墨身分認同問題,提出新世代創作者面對當代後現代語境,創作意圖與方法的延異。 第三章水墨圖像語彙的組構探討。以動物與人的異質關係為例,首先回顧藝術史,探討動物形象的表達方式和意義的轉變。而後針對人獸合形的圖像組構模式作敘述,探討人獸混體的神話思維,深入分析以獸首人身為造型手法的創作。最後提出使用獸形人作為中介角色、日常生活中的隱喻,以凸顯異化的日常生活。 第四章異質圖像語彙的對話,透過以紙材作為媒介的創作方式、個人式圖像語彙的形塑、獸形人創作形式的解析,三個層面進行創作手法分析 。 第五章作品分析。將作品分成個人式圖像語彙的嘗試與建立的【表象系列】以及【逆想系列】反應日常生活現象的《獸形人》創作,進行個別敘述。 第六章結論。檢視創作研究成果,並以現階段創作為基礎,提出未來創作的展望。This research discusses on the possibility of the development and creation of chinese ink painting, which focuses on the interaction with heterogeneous images in chinese ink painting. Chapter one is Introduction. This chapter introduces the current development of Chinese ink painting, the author’s creative attitude and his concerns of daily life. The author attempts to show his concerns of daily life by his works. Chapter two is Theoretical Framework. This chapter introduces the development of chinese ink painting between cross strait and Post-literati Chinese Color Painting with the culture of self-identity in Taiwan. Because of the different identification between ancient intellectuals and current intellectuals, the author argues that the art works should create with modern languages and methods. Chapter three is Discussion of Images in Chinese Ink Painting. With the relationship of human-animal images, this chapter introduces the changes of animal images in art history. In order to analyze the creations of human-animal art works, this chapter also discusses the myths of human-animal objects. The author attempts to use the human-animal objects to imply the phenomenon in abnormal daily life. Chapter four is Dialogue of Heterogeneous Images. The author analyzes the creative methods from three aspects which are the creation with papers, the creation from personal images and the analysis on the creation of human-animal. Chapter five is Art Works Analysis. The author divides his art works into “Phenomenal series” and “Distinctive series” and makes statements about his works. “Phenomenal series” is about the attempt and creation of personal images; “Distinctive series” is about the reflection of daily life, which is the creation of human-animal works Chapter six is Conclusion. The author reviews his works and expresses his future creative perspective.水墨變革後文人彩墨異質介入獸形人Chinese Ink Painting RevolutionPost-literati Chinese Color PaintingInteraction with Heterogeneous ImagesHuman-animal獸形人-異質圖像介入之彩墨創作研究Research on Interaction with Heterogeneous Images of Human-Animal Images in Color Ink Painting