劉美慧林子斌Liu, Mei-HuiLin, Tzu-Bin潘香汝Pan, Hsiang-Ju2019-08-292018-02-082019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060203014E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92581本研究旨在探討如何將食安議題發展成媒體素養課程,融於國民小學健體領域,並探討學生的媒體素養表現,及實施過程對教師教學專業知能的影響。本研究以研究者任教之桃園公立小學六年級班級為研究場域,研究參與者共30位學生,進行為期十周,共計25堂的行動研究。課程一共進行兩階段,研究者根據第一次課程進行的結果,將問題修正,重新設計及實施。教學主題依據學生興趣,聚焦食安五大議題中的「食品添加物」。本研究採用參與觀察、訪談、研究者省思日誌與文件分析,歸納結論如下: 一、本研究認為採課程生態實踐模式發展融入式媒體素養課程為佳,課程發展從分析、情意覺察進而動手實作,三面向逐層遞進可提升學童媒體素養。 二、課程內容的選擇應切合時事及學生興趣,在主題、新聞文本選擇、輔助資料的選取上,以學童平時易懂、常接觸的媒體資料為主軸。 三、教學策略應從解析新聞開始,邀請相關人士現場論述新聞,比較報導文本,進一步編輯仿作與拍攝體驗,提升學生理解訊息產製與權力的關係。 四、經過行動研究不斷反省、修正的過程,研究者同時獲得媒體素養課程發展與食安議題的專業成長,拉近理論與實務的差距。   最後,本研究針對行動研究過程中遭遇之問題提出建議,期能提供日後從事媒體素養教育後續研究之可行方向與建議。The purposes of this study are to develop a media literacy program integrated food safety issue in health and physical curriculum of the elementary school, and to investigate the students’ learning performance. This study applied action research to 30 students in a sixth-grade class of an elementary school in Taoyuan City. The program focusing on food additive lasted for 10 weeks. Participant observations, interviews and document analysis were applied to collect the data. The major findings for this study are as the following: 1.The program adopted the ecology of curriculum practices,with the process of analyzing, affecting, and practicing to enhancing students’ media literacy. 2.The content of the program reflected on current issues and students’ interests. The criterion for selection was understandable and frequent-contacted information. 3.The teaching strategies started from analyzing news by guest speakers, comparing texts, and to editing and filming. The students understood the relationship between message production and power. 4.The researcher enhanced the professional development in the aspects of curriculum development, the knowledge of food safety issue, and the ability to decrease the gap between theory and practice. According to the findings, this study proposes some recommendations for media literacy education and the study of further study.媒體素養教育健康與體育學習領域行動研究食安議題融入media literacy educationhealth and physical educationfood safety issueaction research建構以食安議題為核心之國小媒體素養課程方案─以食品添加物為例Developing a Media Literacy Program Focusing on Food Safety Issue in Health and Physical Curriculum for Elementary Schools