林宜穎Lin, Yi-Yin詹弘如Jan, Hung-Ru2019-08-292024-02-282019-08-292019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060402025E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92127隨著人口老化,高齡社會來臨,政府積極推動與高齡者相關之政策因應,年輕人也意識到此趨勢,越來越多人投入與高齡者議題相關之工作中。有鑿於此,本研究以國小青年教師參與高齡教育為研究對象,並運用轉化學習(transformative learning)為理論架構,進行其教學觀點轉化之探討,同時針對其教育實務的改變深入瞭解之。 本研究採立意取樣,邀請五名參與高齡教育之國小青年教師為研究對象,進行半結構式深度訪談。訪談後,進行編碼與資料統整及分析,歸納出本研究之發現,最後提出結論與具體之建議,作為後續相關單位之參酌。本研究發現說明如下: 一、國小青年教師藉由過去經驗,形成其對於高齡者及高齡教育的看法,且對於高齡者的了解程度,將影響其參與高齡教育的動機。 二、國小青年教師參與樂齡學習方案的轉化歷程中,藉由教學經驗、相關規範、他人的經驗分享及長者參與學習的態度,促發其進行教學觀點的轉換。並透過深刻的內省歷程,建構出新觀點的產生,且於新觀點中,整體呈現持續流動及循環的狀態,當受到新的刺激與觀念時,將再次促發進行觀點的轉化。 三、國小青年教師參與樂齡學習方案後,發展出對於高齡教學的深度認識與概念。 四、國小青年教師參與高齡教育後,在教學實踐中,意識到代間教育的重要與內涵。同時,透過看見高齡者的學習態度,為此帶來勇於嘗試的動機與勇氣,也開始意識到自我學習的重要。Taiwan has become an “aged society” in 2018, and the government is actively promoting policies related to the elderly. The purpose of this study was to explore the instructional perspective trnasformation on five young elementary school teachers who engaginging in the older adult education. In order to obtain ressrach purposes, qualitative research was utilized. Five young elementary school teachers engaging in older adult education were invited as research subjects who received semi-structured in-depth interviews. According to the study results,the conclusions were as follows: 1. Young elementary school teachers form their views of the elderly and elder education through past experience, and the level of their understanding of the elderly would affect their motivation to participate in elder education. 2. Young elementary school teachers’ instructional perspectives were transformed through their deep reflections on their teaching experience, norms of programs, experience sharing by others, and attitude toward older adult leaarners. 3.Young elementary school teachers’ further ideas of teaching older adult learner based on the framework of geragogy were developed. 4. Young elementary school teachers became aware of the importance and meaning of intergenerational education through engaging in elder education.青年教師高齡教育教學觀點轉化學習Young Teacherolder adult educationinstructional perspectiveTransformative Learning國小青年教師參與高齡教育之教學觀點轉化研究A Study of Instructional Perspectives Transformation on Young Elementary School Teachers engaging in Older Adult Education