潘裕豐黃雅卿2019-08-282007-08-012019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093902017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88843摘要 本研究旨在根據Tony Buzan的心智繪圖編擬一套適合國中八年級學生的地理科心智繪圖教學方案,探討此方案對增進國中學生創造力及地理科學業成就表現之成效。 本研究採不等組前後測準實驗設計,立意抽取台北縣立某國中八年級兩班學生,並將之分為實驗組與對照組。實驗組實施每週二節,每節四十五分鐘,總共十週的地理科心智繪圖教學方案,對照組則實施傳統教學,無實驗處理。本研究主要的研究工具為自編之「國中地理科心智繪圖教學方案」、「國中地理科心智繪圖心得記錄單」、「心智繪圖構圖技巧評量表」,以及林幸台、王木榮(1994)修訂之「威廉斯創造力測驗」,所得資料以單因子共變數進行考驗。 根據研究結果,本研究主要發現如下: 一、實驗組在威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗的改變情形 (一)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗」之「精密力」達顯著差異。顯示實驗組在創造性思考活動之「精密力」優於對照組。 (二)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗」之「變通力」、「獨創力」、「總分」未達顯著差異。 (三)實驗組在「威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗」之「開放性」、「標題」達顯著差異。顯示實驗組在創造性思考活動之「開放性」、「標題」優於前測。 (四)實驗組在「威廉斯創造性思考活動測驗」之「流暢力」未達顯著差異。 二、實驗組在威廉斯創造性傾向測驗的改變情形 (一)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性傾向測驗」之「冒險性」未達顯著差異。 (二)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性傾向測驗」之「好奇性」未達顯著差異。 (三)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性傾向測驗」之「想像力」未達顯著差異。 (四)實驗組與對照組在「威廉斯創造性傾向測驗」之「挑戰性」未達顯著差異。 三、實驗組在地理科學業成就的改變情形 實驗組在經實驗教學後,實驗組在地理科學業成就的表現沒有顯著的差異。 四、實驗組在學習歷程之改變情形 實驗組在心智繪圖構圖技巧的「規則」、「整體結構」、「線條」、「顏色特性」、「總分」方面已有明顯的進步。表示實驗組學生在接受心智繪圖教學方案之後,對於心智繪圖的技巧方面已經熟悉。 五、實驗組的學生對於地理科心智繪圖教學課程表示喜愛。 大部分實驗組學生認為心智繪圖有用以及好玩,並有超過半數的同學認為心智繪圖適合其學習風格。在實驗結束後,有超過半數的同學會將心智繪圖應用在其他科目上。 最後根據本研究結果加以討論,並提出未來進一步研究的建議,以作為後續心智繪圖教學的參考。Abstract The main purpose of this study were to design a set of mind mapping teaching course in geography for 8th grade students based on Tony Buzan’s “Mind mapping” and to investigate the impacts of student’s creativity and the grades in geography. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed . Two classes subjects are convenience sampling from the 8th grade classes in Taipei County . These two classes are assigned to the experimental group and the controlled group . The experimental group attends the mind mapping teaching course in geography two times per week and 45 minutes per course , totaling 10 weeks . The controled group is taught under traditional geography course without any experimental methods . Themain instruments of this study are the mind mapping teaching course in geography for 8th grade students , the experimental groups’ thoughts of the mind mapping teaching course in geography , the scale of mind mapping skills , and the “ Willians Creativity Test ” revised by Lin Sing Tai& Wang Mu Rong . (1994). The outcome data are examined by ANCOVA. The major findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1.The results of the “ Willians Creative Thinking Test ” (a)The experimental group’s score of elaboration are significantly higher than those of the controlled group in the “ Willians Creative Thinking Test ” . Namely , the experimental group’s creativity is better than that of the controlled group in the elaboration . (b)There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the controlled group in flexibility , orginality and total scores in the “ Willians Creative Thinking Test ” . (c)The experimental group’s posttest scores of opening and title are significantly higher than the pretest in the “ Willians Creative Thinking Test ”. Namely , the experimental group’s creativity is better than that of the pretest in the opening and title . (d)The experimental group has no significant differences between the pretest and the posttest in fluency in the “ Willians Creative Thinking Test ” . 2.The results of the “ Willians Assessment of Creative Tendency” (a) There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the controlled group in risk taking in the “Willians Assessment of Creative Tendency”. (b) There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the controlled group in curiosity in the “Willians Assessment of Creative Tendency”. (c) There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the controlled group in imagination in the “Willians Assessment of Creative Tendency”. (d) There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the controlled group in complexity in the “Willians Assessment of Creative Tendency”. 3.The results of the study in geography After the experiment teaching , the experimental group has no significant differences between pretest and the posttest in geography score . 4.The results of the “mind mapping skills” The experimental group’s rules , whole structure , lines , color characteristic and total score are better than that of the pretest in the mind mapping skills . Namely , the experimental group’s students are Familiar with the mind mapping skills after the mind mapping teaching course in geography. 5.The experimental group students enjoyed the mind mapping teaching course in geography. Most students of experiment group think that mind mapping is useful and fun, and over half of the students think the mind mapping is suitable for their studying styles. After experiment , over half of the students will apply mind mapping to other subjects. Finally , according to this results of study , it offers the suggestions of studying further in the future , and the references of teaching mind mapping.心智繪圖創造力地理科Mind MappingCreativityGeography國中地理科心智繪圖教學方案對學生創造力、學業成就表現、學習歷程之成效研究