呂有勝Yu-Sheng Lu李宗恆Chung-Heng LEE2019-09-032016-8-302019-09-032011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698730334%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97256舉凡現今工業界常使用之控制機具與製程所需之機台等等,皆會應用到控制技巧。然而許多控制法則必須得知受控體之速度,所以如何獲得一個品質佳且精準的速度訊號是一個重要的課題。本論文對速度估測進行細部分析探討,提出動態補償速度估測器(Dynamically Compensated Velocity Observer, DCVO),並與多種速度估測器做比較。DCVO乃利用加速度訊號搭配動態補償器,以估測速度;由理論證實,其不但不會受到位置直流偏移量影響,而且對於常見的加速度訊號之直流偏移量不敏感。實驗設備使用精密線型平台系統進行速度估測及定位控制,採用美國德州儀器公司(Texas Instruments, TI) 所生產之TMS320C6713 DSP搭配具FPGA之擴充子板為實驗平台。 在開迴路速度估測實驗中,由實驗結果可知本文所提出之DCVO較其他估測法有良好的結果,且不會因加速規直流偏壓影響其估測值。而在定位控制方面,使用積分型可變結構控制(Integral Variable Structure Control, IVSC),並分別由ITM及DCVO兩種速度估測器估測出速度回授於控制器中,由實驗結果可得知本文所提出之DCVO 能有較佳的定位精度。此外,利用加速規量測得之訊號,搭配系統狀態方程式,求得系統干擾量並加以補償,能大幅降低干擾對系統之影響。This paper presents a velocity observer,in which the acceleration signal is employed to assist the velocity estimation. In order to obtain accurate velocity information, a Dynamically Compensated Velocity Observer (DCVO) is designed and introduced. To show the effectiveness of the DCVO, it is experimentally compared with other velocity observation approaches. The DCVO is consisted of a dynamic compensator and a velocity observer. It is proven that the DCVO is not affected by the position ACC offset, and also not sensitive to the acceleration ACC offset. The experimental system consists of a commercially available single-axis linear stage, a brushless servo motor and a DSP/FPGA system used as the control kernel. We use C language and very-high-speed hardware description language (VHDL) as developing tools for the servo control system. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the DCVO. The Integral Variable Structure Control (IVSC) is used in positioning control with disturbance observer compensation, while the velocity signal is estimated through DCVO and ITM and compared. Experimental results show the DCVO estimated velocity leads to better positioning precision and sensitivity while used in IVSC.加速規加速度訊號速度估測器AccelerometerAcceleration signalVelocity observer以加速度訊號輔助速度估測之性能評估Performance Assessment of an Acceleration Signal-Assisted Velocity Estimator