王天苗曾格妮2019-08-282007-7-262019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693090105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91804本研究以兩位九年級學生為研究參與者,他們分別被鑑定為學習障礙以及智能障礙學生。採敘事研究方法,主要透過訪談、輔以觀察及相關文件蒐集方式,探究特殊學生的障礙經驗。 經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先分別呈現兩位學生的敘說脈絡,再進一步提出其共同的核心議題,研究主要發現如下: 一、兩名學生在被確實鑑定為障礙學生以前,就因為能力的限制受到排斥、以及資源的剝奪。 二、被鑑定為障礙者以後,他們接受特殊教育服務,並且接收到師長、同儕各方對「障礙」的評價。 三、普通班老師、及同儕對「障礙」多持貶低態度,和特教專業對「障礙」的詮釋不同。 四、國中階段,同儕對「障礙」的評價,影響學生對己身障礙的觀感,使他們多方排斥、抗拒標籤,甚至抗拒特殊教育服務。 五、特殊教育服務確實幫助了障礙學生,但專業人員認定的需求和學生意願若產生落差,學生會因此對自己的障礙獲得較少的控制感、自主感。 整體而言,障礙學生能夠察覺自己的能力限制,以及周遭對他們「障礙」的貶低態度。他們需要更多的支持、陪伴,去學習如何正向地統整他們的障礙經驗,讓障礙對自己生活的限制變少。This research takes two grade nine students as to study a participant, they respectively have learning disability and intellectual disability. The research is based on narrative studies through interviews, observation and associated documents to collect data. As the results, the students narrative presented five core themes were synthesized: (1) Two students at definite consultation is disability student before, because the restriction of ability was rejected, and the deprival of resource. (2) After being authenticated for the obstacle, they accept a special education service, and receive teacher, peers everyone's evaluation to " disability ". (3) The teachers and peers of class to "disability" much hold belittle an attitude, and annotation dissimilarity of special education profession to" disability ". (4) Teenager's stage, peers' evaluation to " disability ", influence student to one's disability of impressions, make them reject, resist label in many ways, even resist a special education service. (5) The special education service really helped students, but the professional personnel affirm of need and student's will if creation fall to differ, student association therefore to own disability acquire less of control feeling, independent feeling. By all accounts, the student can realize an own ability restriction, and whole to their " disability " belittle an attitude. They need more support and keep company with, learning how just to ground integrative their disability experience, let the restriction become less.障礙經驗質性研究敘事探究學習障礙智能障礙disability experiencequalitative studynarrativelearning disabilityintellectual disability當個一人和障礙相遇~兩名國三學生的障礙經驗敘說Disability Experience of Two Grade Nine Students Narrative