張莞苓CHANG, WAN-LING2022-05-162022-05-162021-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115755南宋的真德秀服膺於朱熹學術,但其解經方式多以「六經」為先、史書、子書並列,不同於朱熹首重《四書》義理的解經方式。兩人差異的關鍵之一,在於他們對於《四書》、六經與史書之間的本末體用看法,具有相當微妙的差異。本文以真德秀為研究主體,並與朱熹進行對比,凸顯二人特色及差別,首先分析兩人在「《大學》經筵」上的解經風格與引用情形,點出兩人在帝王教學與解經策略上的差別;其次討論兩人如何看待《四書》、六經與史書之間的本末體用關係,呈現他們同中有異的經史觀,並看見真德秀對朱熹的繼承與轉化。Zhen Dexiu's interpretation of the classics in his "Deduction from Great Learning" is different from Zhu Xi. He used the six classics and history to explain and proof "Great Learning". This seems to present their differences between heart-nature thought and practicing things and reasons. The key point is they got subtle differences about the relationship between root and branch, substance and function of their concept of classics and history. The topic will focus on Zhen Dexiu, and compare Zhen Dexiu with Zhu Xi. First, analyze their style of exegesis and status of quote from Jinyan of "Great Learning". Second, discuss relationship of root and branch, substance and function in their concept of classics and history, presenting the continuity and transformation of Zhu Xi by Zhen Dexiu.真德秀朱熹經筵經史觀本末體用Zhen DexiuZhu XiJinyanroot and branchsubstance and function論真德秀的帝王教學及經史觀念對朱熹的繼承與轉化The Continuity and Transformation of Zhu Xi by Zhen Dexiu's Monarchic Education and Concept of Classics and History