丁玉良Ting, Yu-Liang丁于軒Ting, Yu-Hsuan2019-09-032022-12-312019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060371068H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96409本研究旨在探討跨裝置使用Google雲端服務對使用者的接受度,以瞭解使用者藉由不同裝置(電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦)使用雲端服務的持續使用意願,研究以資訊系統持續接受模式為基礎,結合資訊系統成功模式之系統品質發展本研究架構,再透過使用者(大專院校生、一般上班族)對問卷的回饋來衡量接受情形。研究結果發現使用者對跨裝置使用Google雲端服務的確認程度正向影響知覺有用性,又確認程度、系統品質分別正向影響滿意度,而滿意度也正向影響持續使用意願。另外,以不同身分使用者進行探討,對大專院校生的部分,女生有跨兩類裝置經驗者的各構面平均分數較高,男生則是有跨三類裝置經驗者的平均分數較高;對一般上班族的部分,發現低齡層(小於34歲)上班族其知覺有用性顯著高於高齡層(大於等於34歲),再者,低齡層上班族有跨兩類裝置經驗者的各構面平均分數較高,而高齡層則有跨三類裝置經驗者的平均分數較為高。最後,希望本研究結果對於雲端服務開發人員、投放跨螢幕廣告之企業,或將科技融入課程之教師,能提供有關方面的參考。This study aims to explore user acceptance of cross-device Google Cloud service in understanding their continuance intention to use the service on computer, smart phone and tablet. The study was conducted based on Post-Acceptance Model of IS Continuance and combined with system quality from IS Success Model. Then, a user feedback questionnaire for college students and office workers was conducted further to evaluate acceptance. The analytic results showed that user confirmation of using cross-device Google Cloud service contributed significantly to perceived usefulness. Confirmation and system quality had positive effect on satisfaction, respectively while satisfaction had positive effect on continuance intention. In addition, the findings on analyzing users in different societies were as follows: in college students group, the female students with two devices got higher average score in each aspect while the male students with three devices got higher average score; in office workers group, the young workers (under the age of 34) were significantly with higher perceived usefulness than the elder workers (above the age of 34), and the young workers with two devices got higher average score in each aspect while the elder workers with three devices got higher average score. Finally, this study is expected to provide insight on cloud usage for cloud service developing, cross-device marketing, and teaching with technology.Google雲端服務跨裝置跨螢資訊系統持續接受模式系統品質Google Cloud servicecross-devicecross-screenPost-Acceptance Model of IS Continuancesystem quality探討跨裝置使用Google雲端服務之研究A Study on the Use of Google Cloud Service on Cross Device