葉欣誠Shin-Cheng Yeh鄭毓君Yu-Chun Cheng2019-09-052012-08-012019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697460205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103742本研究就我國民眾對水資源與相關公共建設議題之知識、態度與行為意向進行調查分析,以水資源系統觀點為核心進行研究。透過對民眾之問卷調查,瞭解其在水資源與相關公共建設議題之知識、態度與行為意向表現情形,並探討民眾個人背景變項與水資源與相關公共建設議題知識、態度與行為意向得分表現的相關性,以及水資源與相關公共建設議題之知識、態度與行為意向三者間之相關性。 本研究採量化研究之問卷調查法,以臺灣北、中、南、東四個地區的民眾為研究對象,採叢集抽樣方式進行問卷發放,總計回收有效樣本數為1,370份。 研究結果顯示民眾水資源相關知識的主要來源為電視、廣播,約有73.4%;而76.5%的民眾家中飲用水來源為自來水,家中有裝設淨水器、濾水器、飲水機等裝置之民眾佔了69.7%。而有經歷過水災之民眾有四成,因缺水而被限水之民眾則高達七成以上。 民眾在水資源與相關公共建設議題的知識得分表現偏低,而態度表現堪稱積極正向,但在行為意向方面表現不若態度積極,缺乏行動力。 從整體知識題之表現情形來說人口學變項對知識題得分並無顯著影響;而態度則受到年齡、居住地區、教育程度等變項影響;年齡、居住地區在行為意向表現上有顯著差異。 民眾在水資源與相關公共建設議題的知識與態度表現呈顯著水準,民眾在水資源與相關公共建設議題的態度與行為意向之間的表現呈顯著水準,但民眾在水資源與相關公共建設議題的知識與行為意向表現之間並無顯著相關。This research aims to examine the knowledge, attitude and behavior for water and infrastructure related issues of the general public in Taiwan. The relationships among the background variables of the participants and three dimensions are the focus of this study. A questionnaire was designed as the research tool of this quantitative study, and cluster sampling was employed as the sampling method, a total of 1,650 questionnaires were released and 1,370 were valid. It was indicated that 73.4% of people’s sources of knowledge on water resource is television, movies or radio; 76.5% of people’s water sources is tap-water; 69.7% of people have water filter or water dispenser in their families; 40% of people have flood experiences; and 70% of people had experienced water restriction. The general public showed a poor level of water and infrastructure related issues knowledge and behavior intention, but their attitude were generally positive. It was also found significant effect between three dimensions and participants’ background variables. There were no significant effect in knowledge dimension; in attitude dimension, there was a significant effect in age, location, education; in behavior intention dimension, there was a significant effect in age and location. There was a significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitude, and between attitude and behavior intention, but there were no significant positive correlation between knowledge and behavior intention.水資源公共建設環境素養water resourcesinfrastructureenvironmental literacy我國民眾對水資源與相關公共建設議題之知識、態度與行為意向調查分析Survey and analysis of the understanding, attitude, and behavior in water resources related infrastructure issues of the general public in Taiwan