蘇子中Su, Tsu-Chung陳珣沛Chen, Hsun-Pei2019-09-032016-01-272019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699210147%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97497本論文旨在研究卡瑞•邱琪兒(Caryl Churchill)的劇作《七個猶太小孩》與其引發的爭議。邱琪兒將此劇的搬演視為一政治事件,意圖平衡英國國家廣播公司(BBC)在2009年加薩戰爭期間的報導,同時也表態支持遭受以色列軍方轟炸的巴勒斯坦人民。此劇的倫敦首演引來強烈批評,控訴邱琪兒與其劇散播反猶太思想。我挪用奇觀的概念作為論文的框架,先將劇本的爭議放在論述奇觀的架構中檢視,進而指出此一文本分析產生的論述困境。而後我回到劇場與表演的空間,在戲劇奇觀的脈絡下探討劇本演出的可能性,試圖為此劇平反。 本篇論文主要分為四個部分。序論作為對《七個猶太小孩》背景的初步介紹,提供以巴衝突的歷史脈絡和劇本的概觀,並從劇評中整理出其爭議點。第一章分析劇本中的涉及反猶太爭議的題材,而後探討反猶太論戰中隱含的問題。第二章從亞陶、布萊希特與波瓦的戲劇理論切入,將此劇放回表演的脈絡,藉此反抗劇本文本的單一詮釋。觀察不同版本的演出,我主張此劇能展現各種觀點並跳脫反猶太爭議的限制,指出戲劇展演對抗媒體奇觀的可能性。最後,我藉由引介其他為解決以巴衝突所作的發聲,肯定邱琪兒以戲劇創作對不安、無常的生命所表達的關懷。My thesis concerns itself with Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza and the controversy surrounding it. Viewing the play as a political event, Churchill wrote it in an attempt to balance the news coverage by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and to support the Palestinians in the midst of the ongoing Gaza bombardment. The London premiere caused accusations against Churchill of being hostile toward Israel in an anti-Semitic manner. I apply the framework that circumscribes the play’s text, controversy, and performance under the rubric of discursive and theatrical spectacle. Examining the discourses generated in the play’s script and the criticisms of the play that reveal various critical standpoints, I suggest that the textual analysis of the play results in an impasse. I aim to introduce the play’s multi-faceted perspectives to the understanding of the Israel/Palestine question through the exploration of theater practices. This thesis is divided into four parts. The Prologue serves as an introduction which provides an overview of the play’s background, script, and the problem in narrating Israeli/Palestinian history. In Chapter One, I delve into the controversial references in the playtext which have received critical attacks based on an anti-Semitic reading and point out the problem inherent in the criticisms of the play. Chapter Two discusses the play’s theatrical value in the context of Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht, and Augusto Boal. Through the examination of different adaptations, I maintain the play’s ability to present manifold viewpoints that divests the play of an anti-Semitic interpretation. Therefore, I draw attention to the possibilities of theater spectacle that can counteract the images produced by media dissemination. In the Epilogue, introducing the activists promoting critical thought through their engagement in the Israel/Palestine question, I conclude the thesis with the concerns about the precarious life that Churchill’s play aims at.《七個猶太小孩》以巴衝突反猶太主義奇觀戲劇研究Seven Jewish Childrenthe Israeli-Palestinian conflictanti-Semitismspectacletheater studies《七個猶太小孩》的論述與戲劇奇觀Discursive and Theatrical Spectacle of Seven Jewish Children