柯皓仁Hao-Ren Ke鄭智遠Chih-Yuan Cheng2019-08-282020-2-212019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060015018E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89180 綜觀自電影的長久發展,已累積了數以萬計部電影,而數位科技的蓬勃發展,使得民眾得以迅速且輕鬆的獲取電影資訊,但對於如此龐大資料來說,則衍生了資訊分散、重複性和不一致的問題。著眼於此,本研究藉由內容管理系統建構一套電影資料平台,並以鏈結資料技術,加入網上活躍且持續使用的知識本體,例如dbpedia-owl、音樂知識本體和書目知識本體,作為系統欄位的RDF標準,將資料轉換成鏈結資料,再透過SPARQL查詢語法,向網上開放的電影相關音樂資料集、電影相關書籍資料集請求資料,將開放鏈結資料整合並重複使用至電影資訊系統中,並將系統發布。最後藉由系統使用性量表來評估本研究所開發之鏈結資料電影資訊系統的使用性,了解使用者對本系統的接受度。 本研究主要達成建立一套以鏈結資料為基礎的電影資訊系統,使用鏈結的方式使電影內容更加豐富且提升鏈結資料的閱讀性,系統使用性量表達到標準,本系統的使用性對使用者而言是可被接受的。 There are tens of thousands of movies created since the development of films. Due to the modern technology, people get quick and easy access to movie information. However, for such a large data, there are problems derived like information scattering, duplication and inconsistency. Therefore, this studycreates a movie information platform by thecontent management system Drupal.Thisplatformusesthe LinkedData technology to combine online popular ontologiessuch as dbpedia-owl, music ontology, bibliographic ontology. The movie data is modeled according to the abovementioned ontologies, and converted into liked data using RDF.In addition, SPARQL queries are employed to integrate film-related data such as linked music data, and linked book data. Finally, this study evaluates this linked data-based movie information system by the System Usability Scale (SUS) to understand user usability and acceptance of the system.The results of this study are summarized as follows: (1) establishing a linked data-based movie information system; (2) using linked data to enrich the movie information and enhance readability; (3) the SUS evaluations show that this system’s usability is acceptable.鏈結資料RDFSPARQL使用性量表Linked DataRDFSPARQLSystem Usability Scale以鏈結資料為基礎之電影資訊系統發展與評估Development and Evaluation of Linked Data-based Movie Information System