蔡雅薰Tsai, Ya-Hsun楊淨嵐Yang, Ching-Lan2023-12-082023-07-282023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/27fcf885221f0ef8eadacd2efedb729f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119087本研究目的是探究臺灣籍華語教師及韓國籍華語教師在初級華語課程中, 實踐協同教學的歷程,其中包含共同備課、教學挑戰、課後檢討及自我反思。 目前臺灣的華語教學領域,與「協同教學」相關的研究甚少,且隨著因配偶工 作外派在臺短居或長住的韓國人越來越多,為提供針對性的華語語言課程,研 究者與一名韓籍教師採用 Friend& Cook(2004)提出之「一教一觀察」模式, 共同計畫一為臺、韓教師協同教學之初級華語課程。 首先,課程為符合學習者的學習需求,本研究根據建置初級華語課程之理 念結合問卷調查法收集訊息,並依此編撰教材、籌備教學;接著,記錄共同備 課之歷程,在每一堂課前,臺、韓教師會針對教材內容、教學任務及學習者學 習情況,溝通協調、提出方法以進行協同授課;課後,臺、韓教師依各自觀察 之現象一同討論、檢討,再透過 Gibbs(1988)提出之反思循環理論進行教學反 思,藉以改善課程、積累經驗。而在教學研究結束以前,另以問卷調查法及半 結構性訪談法收集學習者對於課程的評價及看法。研究呈現的結果包含臺籍教 師與韓籍教師的備課過程、課後檢討之逐字稿搭配反思循環理論的反思紀錄, 總結臺籍教師及韓籍教師協同教學歷程,並討論學習者給予課程之回饋。最 後,由以上結論提出臺籍教師與韓籍教師協同教學之相關建議,供研究者、華 語教師參考。The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of Taiwanese CSL teacher and Korean CSL teacher in practicing co-teaching in a basic Chinese language course, including collaborative lesson planning, challenges, response methods, and reflections. In light of the increasing number of Koreans living in Taiwan for short or long periods of time, the researcher worked with a Korean CSL teacher to design a basic Chinese language course specifically for Koreans living in Taiwan.First, to make the course meet learners' needs, the present study collected information based on the concepts of basic Chinese language courses combined with questionnaires designed to understand learners’ backgrounds to develop teaching materials and prepare for instruction. Second, instructors were prompted to reflect on their teaching experience using the reflection cycle proposed by Gibbs (1988) to improve the course and accumulate instructional experience. Third, semi-structured interviews were used to investigate learners' perceptions of the course.The results of the study included the lesson plans created by the co-teaching instructors and transcripts of the course review based on the reflection cycle. Furthermore, the study summarized the co-teaching process of Taiwanese and Korean CSL teachers and discussed the feedback given by learners. Last but not least, the study proposed suggestions regarding co-teaching between Taiwanese and Korean CSL teachers for researchers and CSL teachers to reference.教學反思協同教學臺籍華語教師韓籍華語教師韓籍華語學習者teaching reflectionco-teachingTaiwanese CSL teachersKorean CSL teachersKorean CSL learners臺韓華語教師在初級華語課程實踐協同教學之反思研究Teaching Reflection on Taiwanese and Korean CSL Teachers Co-teaching in a Basic Chinese Language Courseetd