段世珍Shih-Chen Tuan2019-08-122019-08-122018-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81693臺北市國中區域性資優教育方案「造形與質感」的課程設計,提升學生們敏銳的觀察、感受能力,以及多元媒材的各種嘗試,是以視覺元素構成美感課程為架構,以及成果導向的充實課程,兼顧技能、認知及情意學習,讓學生能從自己日常生活的視覺經驗開始,透過有相關教學經驗,來自不同美術專長的老師們,共同設計的統整教學活動,學習認識真實世界與內心世界視覺意象的變化,發展視覺的創作技能,感受作品的情感詮釋。希望透過啟發創造力為基礎,以重視獨特產出能力的培養為骨幹,讓學生除了個人繪畫技能的學習之外,也有機會學習對於物體的各種質感、肌理、色彩、造形等視覺元素,能充分解析與欣賞,並刺激學生透過各種觀察與反覆的思考研究及技術操練,來精進自己的視覺藝術作品。從產出的吸管造形構成、公仔創作、數位媒材創作等學習成果看來,的確看見學生們表現心中的想像與美感。The curriculum focusing on form and texture in the regional gifted educational program in Taipei junior high schools was designed to help the gifted students to develop both close observation skills and aesthetic sensitivity, as well as motivated them to attempt new and diverse media. This curriculum provided a framework in beauty with visual elements and result-oriented learning activities that enhance the students’ visual experiences of daily life. Teachers with different fieldsof expertise could share similar teaching experience and work together to get students to engage in learning activities, recognize the changes in visual imagery of real and inner world, develop creative visual skills, and experience emotion towards artworks. Through the activities that inspired creativity and nurtured unique capabilities, the student were enabled to develop individual painting skills as well as gain opportunities to learn the basic elements of art, such as texture, color, shape, and learn how to analyze and appreciate visual art. By providing opportunities for various observations and reflections, this curriculum also helped the students refinetheir art works and enhance their skills. The results from the overall student performance in straw art, doll and digital media creation demonstrated the students’ imagination and aesthetic sense.質感造形視覺藝術創造力充實課程方案textureformvisual artscreativityenrichment curriculum program美術(視覺藝術)資優方案之規劃與實施示例-以區域性資優教育方案「造形與質感」為例Program Planning and Implementation for Gifted and Talented in the Fine Arts (Visual Arts): An Example of a Regional Talented Curriculum Focusing on Form and Texture