范信賢Fan, Hsin-Hsien洪穎馨Hung, Ying-Shin2019-08-292017-07-252019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0504004102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92553本研究以Etienne Wenger提出之「實踐社群」理念,建構凝聚國中領域召集人共識與領導知能的實施方案。在過程中,以行動研究為方法,並採用參與式觀察、訪談方法進行研究,使領域召集人之間能夠透過對話,了解彼此困境,相互分享擔任領域召集人的推動經驗歷程,強化召集人的領導責任與效能,相互提供心理支持,促進領域召集人領導信念與建立團隊合作的社群概念。本研究發現透過社群的運作與正向經驗,有助於領域召集人進行省思,並藉由同儕學習,提升領導知能,可作為未來學校領域召集人工作坊規劃及相關研究之建議參考。With reference to the framework of Communities of Practice proposed by Etienne Wenger, the study suggests an implementation project for cultivating common goals among learning areas leaders and improving their leadership skills. In the form of action research, the study involves participatory observation and interview. It sets forth to enlighten the understanding and conversation among subject leaders; it is hoped that they can share valuable experience with and mentally support each other in difficult situations, strengthening their leadership character and teamwork. The result shows that the sense of communities of practice, along with positive experience, can encourage the learning areas leaders to reflect on their performance; peer learning among the participants can also enhance their leadership capabilities. Future studies can be conducted to confirm or refine the current findings.領域召集人教師專業學習社群實踐社群learning areas Leadersprofessional learning communitycommunities of practice國民中學領域召集人推動教師專業學習社群領導作為與解決策略之研究A Study on the Leadership and Problem-Solving Strategies of learning areas Leaders in Teacher Professional Learning Communities in Junior High School