劉立行Liu, Li-Hsing王柏文Wang, Po-Wen2023-12-082023-07-072023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b02120cc72210fea1a705d58e6ebe7bc/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120837保障自由與權利是普世價值,而對於身體自主權的追求則是目前台灣社會的時代趨勢。近幾年有關家庭及婚姻的法律規範的發展也是如此。大法官在2020年5月29日以釋字第791號解釋,公布刑法通姦罪、刑事訴訟法第239條但書規定均違憲,刑法第239條通姦罪之刑法需廢止,以符合保障性自主權的比例原則。國內新聞媒體議題對於「通姦除罪化」的風向,無非多是在「配偶權」及「刑民法」上多加著墨探討,但對於婚姻、同居、貞操等觀念是否已經全然改變,連原本被隱誨而鮮少成為公共討論之「性」議題也被帶出,在這樣風氣開放的社會氛圍中,道德的批判上,反而會有許多不同角度的討論議題,不斷冒出並衝擊大家的思考方式。而大眾傳播媒介對於一個新聞議題進行強調,同時這個議題也將和閱聽人心中所認定的議題有關聯,因此如能有效運用議題設定理論建構新聞議題,相信也能對於大眾傳播媒介產生議題設定的直接影響,媒體再以新聞報導方式傳播給閱聽人。惟本文自另一個層面探討媒體對於整個大社會有足以改變現況的影響力,經由傳播「通姦除罪化」的議題,是否能夠成功嚇阻外遇行為及影響閱聽眾的思維,達到促進社會秩序與提升善良風俗之效果。Ensuring the freedom and rights is a universal value and the pursuit of the physical autonomy is the trend of current Taiwanese society. The same is true of the development of legal norms on family and marriage in recent years. In interpretation No. 791 on May 29, 2020, the grand justices announced that the proviso of Article 239 of adultery in the Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure Code are unconstitutional. The Criminal law for the crime of adultery in Article 239 needs to be repealed to comply with the principle of proportionality of ensured sexual autonomy.The trend of "decriminalization of adultery" in the domestic news media has been almost focused on the "spousal rights" and "criminal and civil laws," but whether the concepts of marriage, cohabitation, and chastity have completely changed, and even the issue of "sex" which was originally hidden and rarely discussed in the public are also brought out. In such an open social atmosphere, there are many different perspectives on moral criticism, and they keep popping up and impacting people's wayof thinking. Therefore, if we can effectively use the agenda setting theory to setting news agenda, it is believed that it will also have a direct impact on the mass media in terms of agenda setting, and then the media will disseminate it to the audience through news reporting. However, this paper explores the influence of the media on the society as a whole to change the current situation. By disseminating the issue of "decriminalization of adultery," whether it can successfully deter affairbehavior and influence the mindset of the audience to achieve the effect of promoting social order and good customs.釋字第791號解釋通姦除罪大眾傳播媒介Interpretation No. 791decriminalization of adulterymass media《通姦除罪化》議題之新聞處理分析Analysis of News Handling on the Issue of Decriminalization of Adulteryetd