杜正治博士Duh,Jeng-Jyh林利真Lin,Li-Jane2019-08-282006-3-12019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T2091308%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91368本研究旨在探討國中學障生自我概念與生活適應之現況、差異與相關。研究對象為桃竹苗地區四縣市(含桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣、苗栗縣)國中二年級、三年級的學習障礙學生,以研究者自編之「國中學生自我概念與生活適應調查表」為施測工具進行問卷調查,有效樣本共302份。 所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理及分析。綜合本研究之結果如下: 整體而言,國中學障生整體自我概念及生活適應表現尚佳。在自我概念向度上以生理自我得分最高,情緒自我得分最低。在生活適應方面則以人際適應最好,個人適應及家庭適應依序次之,學校適應最差;不同背景變項並非影響國中學障生自我概念及生活適應之主因。在情緒自我及家庭自我向度上,男生優於女生並達顯著差異。在生活適應向度上,其人際適應部分,以父親的教育程度為國中者的學障生最為正向而積極,並達顯著差異;母親的教育程度為國中者在個人適應及人際適應亦達顯著差異。同時自我概念的各層面及整體層面均和生活適應的各層面及整體層面,兩兩之間呈現顯著的正相關。 最後根據本研究所得之結果及結論,提出建議事項,俾能提供教育方面及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to discuss the present practices, differences and relationship of self-concept and life adjustment among the junior high school students with learning disabilities. Participants consisted of learning disabled students ranging from eighth to ninth graders in the northern-central area of Taiwan (i.e., Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County and Miaoshu Ccounty). The Self-Concept and Life-Adjustment Questionnaire of Junior High School Students was employed as the research instrument and the valid samples consisted of 302 learning disabled students. All the obtained data had been analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics, student t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation Major results were as follows: Overall, the self-concept and life adjustment of learning disabled students were above the average. Among all aspects of self-concept in learning disabled students, the physical self was the best, whereas the emotional self was the worst. As to life adjustment, the score from highest to lowest was interpersonal adjustment, personal adjustment, family adjustment, and school adjustment. The different background variables were not the major factors to influence self-concept and life adjustment for learning disabled students. In the aspects of emotional self and family self, the gender difference is significant with boys over girls. In the aspect of interpersonal adjustment, scores of learning disabled students were strongly correlated to the education level of their fathers; those whose fathers were of education level of junior high school were the most positive on this aspect. Over the aspects of personal adjustment and interpersonal adjustment, scores of learning disabled students were also strongly correlated to the education level of the mothers. Those whose mothers were of education level of junior high school were the most positive in this aspect. There were significant positive correlations among subtests and the whole test in terms of self-concept and life adjustment. Based on the results, suggests and implications were also discussed for the education administration and the future research.學習障礙自我概念生活適應learning disabilitiesself-conceptlife adjustment國中學障生自我概念與生活適應之研究Self-Concept and Life-Adjustment of Junior High School Students with Learning Disabilities.