林振春王良芬2019-08-292005-7-312019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1023007%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92045一、本研究目的有四: (一)瞭解外籍配偶家庭生活及社區生活適應情形、過程與問題。 (二)探索影響外籍配偶家庭生活及社區生活適應相關因素。 (三)探討不同背景因素的外籍配偶之社區生活適應情形是否具有顯著差異。 (四)透過對外籍配偶生活適應各面向的瞭解,提供外籍配偶未來生活適應的參考,並有助於政府政策與輔導方針的擬定。 二、研究方法與發現: 本研究採系統取樣方法,用此取樣,因群體的個體均屬同質,即個體之差異不大,用一定的取樣距離(sampling interval),由社區發展協所提供之外籍配偶名單計1020人,每隔3人抽一人,共計抽取340個樣本。 針對臺北縣340位外籍配偶採問卷調查法,蒐集外籍配偶基本資料家庭生活適應與社區生活適應,得到如下的發現: (一)外籍配偶之背景資料 1.年齡:近七成受訪外籍配偶年齡在30歲以下,顯示仍是以年輕者居多。 2.來目國家:有一半受訪外籍配偶來自越南,其次是印尼。 3.教育程度:有六成多受訪外籍配偶之教育程度為國、高中。 4.每月工作收入:受訪外籍配偶有一半以上沒有工作。 5.台語程度:有近半之受訪外籍配偶會聽也會講台語而完全聽不懂台語者不到一成。 6.是否曾參加社區舉辦的課程:有約六成之受訪外籍配偶曾參加過社區舉辦的課程,而來參加的課程以識字班最多。 (二)外籍配偶之家庭生活適應 整體而言,六成以上之受訪外籍配偶對於目前之家庭生活及家庭關係感到滿意。 (三)外籍配偶家庭生活適應與社區生活適應間之關聯性 進行pearson相關分析,兩者間遠顯著相關(r=0.725,P=0.000,<0.01),即外籍配偶之家庭生活適應愈佳,其社區生活適應亦愈佳。 (四)外籍配偶之社區生活適應 整體而言,七成左右之受訪外籍配偶對於目前之社區生活及家庭關係感到滿意。 三、根據本研究發現,分別對外籍配偶、婚姻仲介、政府相關管理機構、教育機構以及未來研究者提出建議。 (一)對外籍配偶的建議: 1.應主動積極把握學習的機會,以增加生活知能和溝通能力。 2.多觀看電視節目以瞭解台灣的風俗民情,會有助於其社區與家庭生活的滿意。 (二)對政府相關管理機構、教育機構的建議: 1.規劃完整的跟文化教育課程和機構並簡化「身分證」申請的流程和取得的時間。 2.訂立人力仲介公司的管理辦法。 (三)針對整體外籍配偶的問題及需求,我們未來可朝以下目標努力: 1.建立及掌握外籍配偶相關統計資料。 2.持續設立生活適應輔導班及識字班並辦理各項教育活動,以增進對我國語言、社會文化或風俗習慣的瞭解。 3.加強家庭暴力防治及宣導,修正職業訓練相關法規,協助外籍配偶取得工作讓外籍配偶基本的人權也能有所保障。 4.加強社區支持系統,積極連結社區資源,提高外籍配偶學會各項生活適應。1.Four study purposes: (1)How do foreign spouses adapt their family and community lives and the problems they face. (2)What reasons will influence foreign spouses adaptation of their family and community lives? (3)Dose foreign spoues' background make a significant difference to adapt their family and community lives? (4)Offer foreign spouses comprehensive information to help their future live and offer it to government for making its future policy of assistant foreign spouses. 2.The way of study and discovery : This study is based on systematic sampling,because individuals are similar.By samplinginterval,I sampled the first one every three persons.The total is 340 out of 1020 foreign spouse list offered by Community Development Association. By questionnaire, I collected the 340 foreign spouses' information from Taipei province about their background and the adaptation of family and community lives. (1)BAckground of foreign spouses 1.Age:70% of foreign spouses are under 30 years old.It shows most of foreign spouses are quite young. 2.Country:50% of foreign spouses come from Vietnam. Second to major are Indonesian. 3.Education:60% of foreign spouses got their junior or senior high school diplomas. 4.Every month income:More than 60% of foreign spouses are unemployed. 5.Understanding Taiwanese: Almost 50% of foreign spouses can listen and speak Taiwanese.In the meantime,10% of them do not know Taiwanese at all. 6.Attend the classes offered by community:More than 60% of foreign spouses attended the classes offered by community.Most of them took Chinese basic class. (2)Adaptation of family life As a whole,60% of interviewees are satisfied with their relationship and family lives. (3)The correlation between the adaptation of family life community life Analyzed by person, thery are positive correlated.(r=0.725,P=0.000,<0.01) It means the better they adapt their family live,the better they adapt their community live. (4)Adaptation of community life. As a whole,about 70% interviewees satisfied with their community lives and relationship. 3.Suggestions,based on this study,to foreign spouses,matchmaker companies, government, education association and future researchers. (1)To foreign spouses 1.Actively seize the chance to learn for improving the knowlege of communication and life. 2.Take more time to watch TV to realize the Taiwan's culture. It help to increase the satisfaction of family and community life. (2)To government and education associations. 1.Establish and plan the comprehensive multi-culture courses and associations. Simplify the applying ID process and shorten the receiving time. 2.Effectively mange and target. (3)Integrated suggestions and target. 1.Create a database of foreign spouses statistics. 2.Constantly open Chinese and life-supporting classes to help foreign spouses understand Taiwan sulture and society. 3.Take precautions against domestic violent. Revise employment-training law to assist foreign spouses for finding jobs and protecting their human rights. 4.Strengthen supporting systen and integrate community source to help foreign spouses' adaptation.外籍配偶社區生活臺北縣外籍配偶家庭及社區生活適應之研究