許和捷黃貴晶2020-12-102016-7-112020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603124%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115022條碼這個圖像符號已經進入了人類集體的視覺語彙,它們能立即被閱讀者辨認出來,它們已是一種辨認符號,如何能將條碼意象更多元的呈現將其本身的意涵放在海報設計或其他的呈現中?條碼的沿革及特性及隱喻與修辭學及符號學的關係學理的探討中,來談論符號的象徵意涵,本創作研究透過多空間模式的隱喻概念合成理論來分析,先將海報中的符號圖像依皮爾斯的圖像、指示、象徵三模式來區分,再依概念合成理論將圖像意涵分為第一輸入空間及第二輸入空間,並提出類空間概念融合後提出完整的合成概念。透過許多的隱喻海報分析歸類,將其媒體特性表現手法做一篇篇的實例分析,而得到隱喻海報在呈現時的優缺點及歸納出條碼海報在實際運用上的例子及呈現出來的優缺點整理。本創作研究創作理念及海報設計分為四大主題:(一)永續環境、(二)物種保育、(三)消費生態及(四)現代消費文化其共同意念「正視地球危機,省思消費意識」來做為此次條碼意象之隱喻海報的創作主要概念,並透過圖像高反差及影像合成表現風格來強化及統一視覺風格。海報設計的創作手法極為多元,在世界經濟流通的社會裡,多角度、跨國際及重視環保的議題藉由海報的藝術化手法來提醒人們重視當下的生活議題。只有圖像訊息可以打破各國的藩籬、語言及文字,將直接的圖像、強烈的隱喻象徵及無所不在的條碼結合成為新的視覺藝術。Barcodes as an iconic code have become part of the collective visual language system to human beings. They can be recognized by readers immediately. They are recognizable codes now. How can barcode images with diverse meanings be demonstrated in poster design or other presentations? By discussing the history and characteristics of barcodes and the relations among metaphor, rhetoric, and semeiology, the symbolic meanings of barcodes may be explored. By categorizing the iconic codes in the posters according to Charles S. Peirce’s icon/index/symbol triad theory of signs and then classifying the iconic meanings under the first space or the second space according to conceptual blending theory, the present creation and research is to analyze the iconic codes with conceptual metaphor theory under the many space model and propose an integrated quasi-spatial blending concept. By classifying the metaphorical posters and analyzing the techniques of expression featuring in each poster, the research investigates the pros and cons of the metaphorical posters and presents the advantages and disadvantages of applying barcodes in the metaphorical posters. The creation philosophy and the poster design of this creation and research are based on four themes: (1) sustainable environment, (2) species conservation, (3) consumption ecology, and (4) modern consumer culture, which share the common idea, ‘confronting the global crises and rethinking consumer awareness,’ as the major concept of creating this metaphorical poster with barcode images. High-contrast icons and photo manipulations art are used to strengthen and produce a uniform visual style. The creation techniques in poster design are varied and diverse. With increasing economic globalization, artistic poster expression may help raise people’s awareness of contemporary living issues that are multifaceted, international, or environment-concerned. Only iconic messages may transcend the boundaries of national borders, languages and words. A combination of pure icons, strong metaphors, and ubiquitous barcodes may become a new form of visual art.隱喻條碼海報metaphorbarcodeposter條碼意象之隱喻海報創作研究論述The Image of Bar Codes in Posters: