邱貴發Guey-Fa Chiou洪艤鈞Yi-Chun Hung2019-08-292009-7-162019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696080046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92995本研究以「英語句子組合」概念,設計了一個線上學習遊戲:「玩『句』遊樂園」,期能提昇學生的英語句型運用能力及英文學習動機。 以臺南縣某國小六年級共四班學生為研究對象:一班為課堂實驗組,透過「玩『句』遊樂園」在英語課練習句型;一班為課堂控制組,透過紙本練習題如學習單、習作等在英語課練習句型,兩組各為29人。其餘兩班扣除家中無網路設備之學生後,共有60人為課後練習組,在課後自行上線使用「玩『句』遊樂園」練習句型。三組皆由同一位英語教師授課,且剛學完新單元的單字及句型。 結果顯示課堂實驗組學習成效平均高於課堂控制組,但無統計上的差異,表示透過英語句型遊戲練習句子,對於提昇學習成效之效果雖無明顯優於紙本練習方式,但亦有助於提昇學習成效。觀察課後練習組使用遊戲的情形發現,在學生自主用遊戲學習的情況下,前、後測成績有顯著差異,且後測平均高於前測平均,表示學生願意在課後主動利用遊戲進行學習,且在課後透過英語句型遊戲練習句子亦有助於提昇學習成效。態度問卷的結果則顯示,多數學生在使用「玩『句』遊樂園」後,對學習英語有正面的態度。This research presents an online game named “Sentence-Playing Garden,” which is designed according to the strategy of “sentence combining.” The purpose of this study is to enhance the ability of applying English sentence patterns and the students’ motivation to learn English. We invited 4 classes of sixth grade students from an elementary school in Tainan County to participate in an online pilot experiment. One of the classes is the experiment group, which practiced sentence patterns by “Sentence-Playing Garden” ; another is the control group, which did exercises with worksheets or workbooks. Both two groups practiced sentence patterns in English classes. The other 2 classes are the after-class group. They were free to use “Sentence-Playing Garden” after class. Each of the experiment group and the control group has 29 students; 60 students are in after-class group. All students in this study are taught by the same teacher, and just learned new vocabulary and sentence patterns of two new lessons before this study begins. The result shows that the experiment group has higher mean of learning achievement than the control group. But there is no statistically significant difference of means between these two groups. In other words, practicing sentences by game may not have better effect for enhancing learning achievement, but it does really improve learning achievement. In after-class group, we find that there is a significant difference of means between pretest and posttest. This indicates that “Sentence-Playing Garden” can enhance students’ ability of applying English sentence patterns, and can engage students to practice sentence patterns actively. The result of attitude questionnaire indicates that most students have positive attitude toward English learning after playing “Sentence-Playing Garden.”遊戲式學習英語句型英語句子組合學習遊戲game-based learningEnglish sentence patternsEnglish sentence combininglearning game遊戲式英語句型學習對國小學生學習成效之影響The Effect of Game-Assisted English Sentence Patterns Learning on Elementary Students' Learning Achievement