張柏舟賴華偉Lai Hua-Wei2019-09-052003-07-172019-09-052003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069063005%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102941  西方文字Techne在古希臘,本來意思是指手的技能及藝術。所以自古以來,科技與人文藝術是一體的兩面且相輔相成,提升了人類的生活品質。設計屬於人文藝術的一環,而新科技提供了新一代設計工作者寬廣無比的創作空間。   電腦是個新的媒體工具,它將科技和設計巧妙的融合在一起。改變了固有設計的體驗方式和表現重心。在對於傳統創作模式的挑戰中,科技的力量首當其衝,為設計的發展注入了一股強而有力的活水,並使之歡騰鼓舞。   綜觀圖畫書市場,大部份以手繪的形式居多,但完全以數位形式呈現的並不多見。本研究旨在探討運用數位影像藝術中的軟體處理,將生活中可視的圖像透過電腦周邊設備轉換成視覺化的數位式圖像,並運用在圖畫書插畫及週邊商品的可行性。 The original meaning of the western word " Techne" in ancient Greek is hand skill and art. Since ancient times the science, technology and the humanities arts are two sides of the body and components for one another, which promoted the quality of human life. Design is a link of art and today new sciences and new technology provide endless creation space for new designers.  The computer is a new media tool, which combines the sciences, technology and the design ingeniously. It changes the experience way of inherent design and the way of performance. In all the challenges for the traditional creation pattern, science and technology bears the brunt. They are the most powerful element for the design development and inspire the design world.  Comprehensive survey of the picture book market, hand-painted drawing is the majority.Books that completely presents by digital forms are few. This research is to discuss the possibility of utilization in digital images art software processing with drawing book illustration and peripheral commodity by transformation of visible images in daily life to computer digital images數位影像藝術圖畫書插畫Digital images artsPicture booksIllustration數位影像藝術在圖晝書上應用之研究-以『夢』圖畫書設計為例The Application of Digital graphic arts in Picture Book -An Example of "Dream" Picture Book Design