宋建成Chien-Cheng Sung2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15427王振鵠教授是臺灣圖書館事業的導航,帶領著臺灣圖書館界,向前邁出艱困和穩定的步伐。尤其在擔任國立中央圖書館館長任內,建樹良多。例如:1.完成中央圖書館新館遷建工程;2.推動全國圖書館自動化作業;3.創設漢學研究中心;4.創設資訊圖書館;5.實施中華民國國際標準書號;6.舉辦臺北國際書展;7.促進人文及社會科學資料單位合作;8.舉辦全國圖書館會議等。這些新猷不僅奠定國家圖書館新營運的基礎,也對我國圖書館事業貢獻厥偉。Professor Chen-Ku Wang has been a guiding force in seeing Taiwan’s library world through difficult times and onto a course of steady devlepoment. His contributions in this field have been particularly significant during his tenure as director of the National Central Library (NCL). Examples of such achievements include: 1. Overseeing the relocation of the NCL to its current facility; 2. Promoting the automation of library operations in Taiwan; 3. Establishing the Center for Chinese Studies; 4. Establishing the Information and Computing Library; 5. Implementing the ISBN system in Taiwan; 6. Holding the Taipei International Book Exhibition; 7. Promoting cooperation between cultural and social science organizations; and 8. Holding national library conferences. These initiatives not only have laid a solid foundation for new operations at the NCL, but also have made an inestimable contribution to library affairs in Taiwan.王振鵠國立中央圖書館臺灣圖書館事業Chen-Ku WangNational central libraryLibrarianship of Taiwan王振鵠教授與我國圖書館事業Professor Chen-Ku Wang and the Librarianship of Taiwan