陳滿銘Man-Ming Chen2014-10-272014-10-272002-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17634自古以來,對孔子「天生德於予」的這一句話,時有一些不盡相同的理解。究竟這所謂之「德」,是指內在的本質,還是指外在的行為?而與「性」的關係又如何?再者,這「天生德於予」這句話,與《中庸》「天命之謂性」之間,是否有著關聯?諸如此類之疑問,始終沒有切確之答案。本文即針對這些問題,試著先探析《論語》中「德」與「性」的關係,然後從孔子之仁知(智)觀與《中庸》之誠明說切入,作進一層探討,得出初步結論,以為「天生德於予」的「德」,該等同於「性」,而這句話應是《中庸》「天命之謂性」之所本,從而為《中庸》思想源自於孔子之說法,提供另一有力證明。Since ancient times there have been several interpretations of Confucius’ “Heaven produced the virtue that is in me*.” Does this “virtue (der2)” mean our human inner “nature (xing4)” or outer behavior? What is the relationship between this (der2) and “na- ture” in the Doctrine of the Mean (zhong1-yong1)? Moreover, what are the correlations (if any) between “Heaven produced the virtue that is in me” and “What heaven has conferred is called nature**?” The present paper focuses on these still undecided issues. First, 1 analyze the necessary features of “virtue” and “nature” in the Analects. Then, I further explore the meaning of these terms in the light of the Confucian view of “wisdom(zhi4) " and “humaneness (ren2),” and the theory of “sincerity(cheng2) and intelligence (ming2)” in the Doctrine of the Mean. Finally, I conclude that human “nature(xing4)” is the same as “virtue (der2),” since “Heaven produced the virtue that is in me.” This strongly sug- gests the Confucian (ru2chia1) origin of the notion that “What hea- ven has conferred is called nature” in the Doctrine of the Mean.德與性仁與知(智)誠與明論語中庸Virtue & natureVirtue & wisdomSincerity & intelligenceConfucian analectsDoctrine of the mean「論語」「天生德於予」辨析A Discussion of 「Heaven Produced the Virtue that is in Me」 in the Confucian Analects