唐淑華Tang, Shu-Hua丁秀妃Ting, Hsiu-Fei2019-08-292018-07-012019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060303001E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92584本研究以行動研究的方法,探討以「說」帶「寫」的議論文寫作方案,在八年級國文課進行寫作教學的活動。研究者以八年級國文科教材為媒介,於課堂中引導學生建構議論文寫作的歷程性活動,以幫助學生在議論文寫作上有所進步並提升寫作能力。 為達到上述研究目的,本研究所蒐集的資料包括:學生課堂練習的學習單、作業、作文、學生課後回饋紀錄,以及研究者自己的省思札記、課堂觀察紀錄、與學生個別訪談、諍友會談紀錄,來檢視學生議論文寫作上的改變情況,以及學生對於課堂引導過程的表現情形。 經過四個多月共五篇課文的議論文寫作教學方案教學後顯示:透過「以說帶寫」幫助學生主動建構議論文的知識;課堂教材、說話與寫作緊密結合;透過「以說帶寫」幫助學生提升表達能力與思考能力;透過學習單的練習與建構,增進學生的寫作能力。 根據上述研究結果,研究者亦提出相關建議,以便後續教學修正與實施之依據,同時作為未來在國文科、其他議論文類型之課程設計與教學參考。The purpose of the study is to probe " writing via speaking " argumentative writing skill in action research method.Through argumentative writing activities in the eighth grade,and using the eighth grade's textbooks, the researcher guide students to write argumentative essay in class step by step, in order to help them improve their argumentative writing skills. To reach the goal, the researcher uses materials including work sheets, home works, essays, students' feedbacks after class, students' individual interviews, and the reflections and observations of the researcher, so as to find the improvement of students' argumentative writing skills, and the performance under the guidance in classes. After five cases in four months, it reveales that the researcher helps students gain the knowledge of argumentative essay through " writing via speaking ";the combination of textbooks, conversation, and writing;help students improve the skill of expression and thinking through " writing via speaking ";thus help students improve writing skills through the practice of worksheets. Based on the results, the action research of"" was discussed and the suggestions for designing curriculum and teaching method was proposed.議論文以說帶寫寫作教學議論文教學行動研究argumentative essaywriting via speakingargumentative writing skillargumentative writing teachingaction research以「說」帶「寫」之議論文寫作教學行動研究-以八年級國文科為例Action Research of Teaching on Junior Students' Argumentative Writing by " Writing via speaking " -An Example of Chinese Teaching in the Eighth Grade