國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系劉潔心張麗春楊智琳林怡君陳嘉玲2014-12-022014-12-022005-10-011562-7640http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39529本研究之目的在探討國內社區健康營造中心的成員態度與能力(包含成員滿意度、成員參與度及成員增長能力)之相關因素的狀況及其影響因素。以北部地區41家社區健康營造中心的成員為母群體,利用系統分層隨機抽樣法,最後取20家社區健康營造中心成員為樣本,進行結構式問卷調查,共發出565份問卷,回收358份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為63.4%,α=0.5,power皆大於0.8以上。 研究結果發現:1.目前台灣健康營造中心的成員是以女性,且為41-50歲的年齡層為多,社區營造中心成員呈現持續在增加的趨勢,而年齡愈大、教育程度越低、沒有正式工作及有在營造中心擔任職務的人能具有較佳的成員態度與能力;2.「成員滿意度」與運作型態中的「領導型態」、「溝通型態」、「社區參與助力」、「成員投入時間」成正相關,而與「社區參與阻力」呈現負相關,與組織結構中的「組織行政運作」、「組織氣氛」成正相關;其中「組織氣氛」、「社區參與助力」「社區參與阻力」能有效預測成員滿意度,且以「組織氣氛」為最重要的預測變項;3.「成員參與」與運作型態中的「領導型態」、「溝通型態」、「成員投入時間」成正相關,與組織結構中的「組織行政運作」、「組織氣氛」成正相關,而「組織氣氛」、「成員投入時間」、「組織行政運作」「社區參與阻力」能有效預測成員參與;4.「成員增長能力」方面,運作型態中的「領導型態」、「社區參與助力」、「成員投入時間」成正相關,而與「社區參與阻力」呈現負相關,與組織結構中的「組織行政運作」、「組織氣氛」成正相關,而「組織氣氛」、「社區參與助力」能有效預測「成員增長能力」,其中以「組織氣氛」解釋力最大。 良好的組織氣氛之經營及培養是首要考量的重要因素,而提升成員參與的助力,並降低成員參與的阻力同時能增加成員投入的時間,有更助於社區健康營造中心的永續經營。This study examined factors affecting attitudes and abilities of members in community building center in Northern Taiwan. Indicators of attitudes and abilities are member satisfaction, member participation and member ability building. Stratified random sampling was employed to obtain the study sample. The accessible population was defined as the 41 centers for community health development in Northern Taiwan. Study participants were members of 20 centers randomly selected from the 41 centers. A total of 565 structured questionnaires were mailed to participants of which 358 were returned, yielding a response rate of 63.4%, α=0.5, power > 0.8. Principal study findings are as follows. (1) Most members of community health development centers in Taiwan are female and aged 41-50 years. The number of members is increasing. Furthermore, attitudes and abilities of voluntary members are positively associated with older age, low level of education, no formal jobs, and position held at the community center. (2) Predictors of member satisfaction and operational process are leadership, communication, benefits and costs of participation, paid staff hours, administrative operation of organization and organizational climate. Among these variables, organizational climate-the most important predicting variable-benefits and costs of participation and administrative operation of organization effectively predict member satisfaction. (3) Member participation is positively associated with leadership, communication, paid staff hours and organizational climate. Of these variables, organizational climate, paid staff hours, administrative operation of organization and costs of participation effectively predict member participation. (4) Member ability building is positively associated with leadership, benefits and costs of participation, paid staff hours, administrative operation of organization, and organizational climate. Organizational climate, costs of participation and administrative operation of organization effectively predict member ability building. Furthermore, organizational climate accounts for the largest proportion of variation in capacity building. Nurturing a pleasant organizational climate is the most important factor for community health development center. Additionally, enhancing the benefits of participation, decreasing participation costs, and increasing paid staff hours can improve the sustainable management of community health development center.社區健康營造中心成員態度與能力Community health hevelopment centerattitudes and abilities of members台灣北區社區健康營造中心成員態度與能力之影響因素探討