國立臺灣師範大學體育學系張少熙方佩欣王傑賢2016-08-042016-08-042014-12-011024-7297http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79873目的:本研究以Batra,Ahuvia,與Bagozzi(2012)之品牌愛概念為基礎,分析中華職棒球迷品牌愛組成因素並發展量表。方法:研究共分三階段,首先,深度訪談11位中華職棒球迷,以紮根理論研究法之編碼程序萃取職業運動球迷品牌愛之組成因素。其次,進行修正式德爾菲法以編製量表。最後以中華職棒現場觀眾為對象發放問卷,進行量表之項目分析、探索性因素分析、信度分析、驗證性因素分析、區別效度、效標關聯效度、複核效度等信、效度考驗。結果:職業運動球迷品牌愛量表共有:激情參與、投資意願、自我認同、共同回憶製造、正向情緒、負向情緒以及長期關係維持七個分量表,共23題,具有良好信度與效度。結論:職業運動球迷的品牌愛與一般消費者有所差異,表示品牌愛會因產品類型而產生特殊性。本量表可做為後續相關研究之有效測量工具,並能應用於實務做為職業運動球隊行銷策略擬定之參考。Purpose: Base on the brand love concept of Batra, Ahuvia, and Bagozzi (2012), this study aims to analyze the elements of brand love of professional sport fans, as well as develop the scale with reliability and validity. Methods: There were three phases in this study. The first phase was collecting qualitative data by interviewed 11 CPBL fans, and extracting the factors of brand love by coding of grounded theory. Second, modified delphi method was used to edit the scale. The final phase was delivering questionnaires targeting on-site spectators of CPBL. Item-analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, second-order confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant validity, criterion-related validity and cross-validation were used for scale testing. Results: Scale of professional sports fans' brand love has good reliability and validity. It was composed of "passionate participation", "willingness to invest resources", "self-identity", "memory made", "positive emotion", "negative emotion", and "long-term relationship", included 23 items. Conclusion: There was a difference between professional sport fans and general consumers. It showed that brand love has specificity because of product type. This scale not only could be the instrument for future study, but also applied in practical to make marketing strategies for professional sport teams.中華職棒紮根理論研究法編碼驗證性因素分析複核效度Chinese professional baseball leagueCPBLGrounded theoryCodingConfirmatory factor analysisCross-validation職業運動球迷品牌愛量表之建構Development of Brand Love Scale of Professional Sport Fans