黃能堂李台玲2019-09-032003-07-012019-09-032003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000084%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96947本研究旨在了解生活科技教師對於教師遠距在職進修的態度,據此以提供未來規劃遠距進修方式及內容上的參考,以期能夠符合教師進修的需要,提昇專業進修的品質。   為達成研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法;研究的步驟,首先進行教師遠距在職進修理論及相關文獻之探討,並以研究者自編之「生活科技教師對遠距在職進修態度調查問卷」為研究工具;取樣對象以台灣地區(含離島)之公立國民中學生活科技教師為主,依分層隨機抽樣,共取247名生活科技教師,回收有效問卷171份,有效回收率為69%。   經問卷調查所得資料經統計分析之後,主要結論如下: (1) 不同背景之生活科技教師對於遠距進修之認知、課程需求及教學方式有顯著相關;特別是在性別、學歷、教學年資、是否參加過遠距課程、服務學校的地區別之項目中達到顯著。 (2) 在遠距課程的需求上,不同背景的教師對於不同進修課程顯示出高度的興趣及進修意願。因此在規劃遠距課程時,應考量教師的需求及兼顧課程的多樣性。 (3) 遠距在職進修是生活科技教師所能接受並且支持的進修方式。   本研究根據研究發現,提出結論與建議,以作為相關單位在未來規劃教師遠距在職進修之參考。The purpose of this study was to explore junior-high-school living technology teachers’ attitude and willingness on in-service distance learning, and to investigate teachers’ opinions on the types, the curriculum needs and the delivery approaches of in-service distance learning. Literature review and mailed questionnaire were used to located and gather relevant information for the study. A self-developed questionnaire were mailed to the sample (n=247) of the study. The effective respondents were 171, at a response rate of 69%. The statistical methods such as descriptive statistics. Chi-square and frequency distribution were used in the study.   The major findings for the study were as follows. (1) Teachers’ backgrounds were significant factors on determining the types, the curriculum needs, and the delivery approach of in-service distance learning. (2) Besides the in-service needs on teaching specialty, the sample also showed high interests in taking distance learning courses in related fields. (3) The sample teachers showed a positive attitude and strong willingness on in-service distance learning and perceived in-service activities as an important mean for professional growth. According to the results of this study, suggestions and recommendations on in-service distance learning were made to the respective authorities for the further improvement of the technology education in Taiwan.生活科技在職進修遠距教學態度Living technologyin-service educationdistance learningattitude.生活科技教師對遠距在職進修態度之研究