鄭雅怡Tenn, Nga-i2014-10-272014-10-272012-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12997髒話是一種民間的語言行為,普遍存在於各種語言,並長期施行於日常生活當中。從古至今,髒話不但發展出多種表達方式與用途,更兼具多重的社會心理功能,因而可藉由探索髒話來探究歷史與風俗的演變。然而,由於精英階層的文化歧視,像髒話這麼突顯又長久遍存的語言行為,至今卻鮮少被學界注意。所以本論文主張必須突破這種學術偏見,以新的研究視野來探討此類普羅百姓的語文化。所有的髒話之中,與性相關的語詞向來被認為禁忌度(taboo loading)最高,不只數量多而發達,還展現鮮明的性別意識。本論文以台語、客語這兩種台灣本土母語中與性相關的髒話語料做為研究對象,把它們視為一個論述空間(discourse),並比較這兩種語言中此類髒話的構成方式以及它們所體現的性別觀點。目前初步的研究發現,台語、客語與性相關的髒話當中,許多極為相似,可以互通,同時大多呈顯以男性為中心的思維模式。不過客語的誇張性、表達性、大膽開放尺度以及意象的豐富程度都超過台語,殺傷力相對也較強。這兩種語言的這些共同點和差異該如何詮釋?與台灣的歷史、社會變遷和福佬、客家這兩個族群的關係可以做何種聯結?這些都是本論文試圖探討的課題。Over the centuries, languages have developed multiple swear words that facilitate expression and fulfill varied socio-psychological needs. Thus, studying swearing may unveil historical and cultural transformations in a specific socio-political context. However, such a prevalent, salient and long-existing language phenomenon was barely researched due to class and cultural discrimination. To challenge such academic elitism, this article aims to take swearing as a discourse and re-examine it as a branch of proletarian langual-culture. Among swear words, the sex-related ones are considered the most “taboo-loaded”. As one of the best-developed type of swear words, they come forth with a great number and variety, revealing vivid gender ideologies. This study analyzes the sex-related swear words in two vernaculars in Taiwan—Hak-fa and Tai-gi. It compares elements, structures and gender viewpoints of these swearing practices in the two languages. Preliminary studies indicated that numerous sex-related swear words in Hak-fa and Taigi are identical and the majority of them are male-centric. Nevertheless, in terms of hyperbole and expressiveness, Hak-fa sex-related swear words far surpass their Tai-gi counterparts. These Hak-fa swear words contain more graphic details of sex and body parts. As a result, they are endowed with stronger “wounding capacity”. How can these similarities and disparities of sex-related swear words be explained? What can be the contributions of these cross-linguistic comparisons? The article will bring forward interpretation of the results with the perspectives of the history and society of Taiwan as well as the interrelationship between Hakka and Hoklo, the two ethnic communities that speak Hak-fa and Tai-gi respectively.髒話性別語言行為論述空間swear wordsexgenderspeech actdiscourse客語及台語與性相關的髒話初探A Preliminary Study on Sex-related Swear Words in Hak-fa and Tâi-gí