潘淑滿Shu-Man Pan黃雅羚Huang, Ya-Ling2019-08-282012-2-202019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696180107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86034過往從事婚姻暴力防治工作之民間婦保社會工作者皆以女性被害人為主要的服務對象。自2009年起,在垂直整合政策的推動下,被害人性別不再如往常皆是女性被害人時,男性被害人及互為相對人之婚姻暴力案件亦會進行婚姻暴力被害人服務體系。社會工作者如何因應性別及政策轉變下產生的婚姻暴力互為相對人案件,便是本研究議題欲探究之研究重點。 本研究之研究問題包括:1.婚姻暴力防治社會工作者與互為相對人案件之服務歷程發展為何?;2.婚姻暴力防治社會工作者針對互為相對人所提供的處遇策略為何?;3.婚姻暴力防治社會工作者服務互為相對人案件的價值議題有那些?期望透過本研究議題對於互為相對人的婚姻暴力案件有一初步圖像,建構不同於以往的服務策略,從中省思現有的服務限制,藉此做為互為相對人之研究開端,讓更多相關議題能持續進行討論。 本研究以深度訪談方式,訪談六名社會工作者。兩位為社工督導,四位為社會工作者。平均工作年資為三年以上。五位的婚姻暴力服務對象轉換為女性被害人增加為互為相對人,另一位服務對象之轉變為一開始的男性相對人轉變成女性被害人,而後再增加為互為相對人。 研究結果發現,透過身份辨識下的互為相對人可粗分為男性對女性施暴之婚姻暴力案件,及處於婚姻暴力關係中的互為相對人。在互為相對人案件裡,暴力行為討論與預防,以及溝通方式討論為服務策略著重之處。社會工作者在服務過程中遇到的專業價值及個人價值之服務衝擊,讓社會工作者在服務過程中感到困惑及懷疑。為此,研究建議政策推動時應有其相關配套措施,如增加性別關係議題之專業知能,以及讓社會工作者重新思考及認識服務對象,學校教育養成裡亦應對於多面貌之婚姻暴力現象進行教育及課堂討論,讓實務工作者及研究者能夠透過實務研究,讓互為相對人的婚姻暴力議題有更充分之討論。The policy of domestic violence preventions changed since 2009. The victim of gender is no longer as usual, and victims can be women or men, also the victims of mutual violence. This study wants to explore and focus on how the social workers respond to policy changes and work with the victims of mutual violence. This study is based on depth interviews. Six social workers are included. The average of working experience is more than three years. The results show that mutual violence can be divided into male violence against women and mutual violence in a marriage relationship. The strategy is focused on discussion of violence, violence prevention, and communication. While working with these people, social workers encounter in the vale of profession and personal judgments, social workers feel confuse and suspicious. At last, the research suggests some points as followings: when policies promote, it need to consider other supporting measures such as issues of gender relationships in order to increase professional knowledge; enable social workers to rethink the clients who works before and after; education should introduce the phenomenon of many kinds of marital violence; train the social workers for sex and role; encourage the practitioners and researcher discuss about this issues, so that more and more knowledge can be recorded.社會工作者婚姻暴力防治工作互為相對人social workerdomestic violence preventionmutual violence婚姻暴力中的互為相對人-社會工作者的觀點A Study About The Perspectives Of Social Workers Working With Person Who Is In Mutual Violence Of Domestic Violence