李晶Li, Ching李博峰Samoh, Arit2019-09-052022-01-012019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060431035A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107346鄰近泰國觀光勝地普吉府、相隔攀牙灣的喀比府(Krabi)人口約四成為穆斯林;當地每年吸引約300萬名國內外遊客,具備極大的觀光潛力。位於喀比治縣河口區的柯朗島(Koh Klang)地理景觀豐富,更蘊含廣大的紅樹林。社區取向旅遊政策吸引遊客到訪,體驗與學習伊斯蘭文化。本文的研究目的,是為了解觀光旅遊對柯朗島造成的社會衝擊。藉由文獻分析與整理、深度訪談當地旅遊業者,探討當地居民與旅客的互動,分析其觀光旅遊發展現況與伊斯蘭宗教價值觀如何影響當地的接待方式,而遊客的觀光行為是否為當地帶來文化衝擊。 喀比府的穆斯林居民形塑了當地獨特的文化。本文以喀比府柯朗島接待社區作為焦點,依據Brougham與Butler(1981)的觀光旅遊社會衝擊模型,分析喀比府的先決條件、居民的空間型態、遊客的時空分佈,討論觀光行為帶來的影響。 自1985年起喀比縣政府發展旅遊景點,推動生態旅遊與在地村落文化體驗,其中多個社區已經實行社區取向旅遊。遊客雖來自不同文化背景,仍然願意接受當地信仰所帶來的限制,讓居民感到被尊重。他們也不致為了迎合遊客,而改變自身文化。日後,若能更多推廣當地獨特的生態、宗教文化,開放更多溝通渠道,將使與柯朗島的觀光資源得到更有效的運用。Krabi Province neighbours popular tourist destinations Phuket and Phang Nga. Krabi boasts about 40% of its population Muslim, with approximately 3 million tourists from Thailand and abroad. The province is full of potentials for tourism development. Situated at the mouth of the estuary of Krabi River, surrounded by vast area of mangrove, Koh Klang is one of Krabi’s serene landscape. The objective of this thesis is to understand the social impacts of tourism development on Muslim host communities. Through literature review and in-depth interviews on tourism practitioners, it will discuss the interactions between tourists and Koh Klang’s host community, analyse its current tourism development, how Islamic values affect hosting tourists, and whether tourist behaviours impact local culture.The tourism social impact model coined by Brougham and Butler (1981) has been used widely. In this thesis, research uses their conceptual framework (prior determinants, residents’ spatial pattern and tourists’ spatio-temporal distribution) to ascertain any impacts brought by tourism development. Since 1985, the Krabi Provincial Government began developing tourist destinations; many communities started practicing Community-based Tourism which has blossomed ecotourism, homestay and village experience in host communities. While tourists come from different backgrounds, they demonstrate willingness to observe Koh Klang’s codes of conduct. As a result, the local host community is determined to practice its local tradition, and it does not wish to change for the sake of the tourists. Looking ahead, more channels of communications in the future among tourism practitioners, tourists and the local government would facilitate tourism resources in these Muslim communities to be better utilised.喀比穆斯林接待社區觀光衝擊社區取向旅遊KrabiMuslimhost communitiestourism impactsCommunity-based Tourism觀光發展對穆斯林社區文化衝擊之研究─從泰國柯朗島旅遊業者角度Cultural Impacts of Tourism Development on a Muslim Community from the Perspective of Koh Klang Tourism Operators in Thailand