莊修田Chuang, Hsiu-Tyan徐加Hsu, Chia2019-09-052016-1-292019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060168016T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103347台灣製造業產品出口是經濟成長主要動能之一,現今產業變化快速,面臨舊有產業如何在新環境中生存的問題,因此須思考如何改善既有產業現況,透過產業結合進行創新,開拓新市場需求。 根據實習經驗以北美地區車庫多功能置物架設計與應用作為本創作主題,進行北美地區房屋類型車庫使用的多功能置物架的探討與分析,可應用於同樣需要收納的出入口區域進行設計與規畫。利用文獻分析法探討模組化製造方式,設計出快速、簡單並多用 途之新式樣車庫多功能置物架產品,再以個案分析法檢討北美地區現有車庫多功能置物架品牌之優劣,最後統整組化設計重點與車庫設計原理融入本創作中。 本創作運用市面上商業空間展示所使用之吊掛配件與插槽類型,結合於車庫多功能置物架設計中,創作出新式樣台灣製造的車庫多功能置物架,符合價格低廉、安裝快速、簡單的使用方式三大訴求,期能提高北美地區市場需求,並提供台灣製造業未來發展方向及競爭優勢。Export of manufactured goods in Taiwan is a major force for economic growth. As industry changes rapidly and existing industries are challenged by how to survive in new environment, we should find out how to improve industry condition and explore new market demand by innovation through industrial combination. Based on internship experience, the author makes garage of multifunctional storage racks design and application theme of this paper, and conducts discussion and analysis on this subject by taking North America as an example. It is also applicable to design and planning of entrance/exit which needs storage. This paper discusses approaches to modularization manufacturing by document analysis method, designs new type of multifunctional storage racks for garage featuring speediness, simplicity and multifunction. Strengths and weaknesses of multifunctional storage racks in existing garages in North America are discussed by case study, and modular design emphasis and garage design principles are integrated in this paper. This author develops newly multifunctional storage racks for garage made in Taiwan by application of hanging solutions and slots used by business space exhibition on the market and design of this storage rack. It features low price, fast installation and simple application which are three major demands by the market. We expect this product may improve market demand by North America and provide future development trend and competitive advantages of manufacturing industry of Taiwan.車庫存儲置物架組織房屋多功能garagestorage racksorganizationhousemultifunction車庫多功能置物架設計與應用 -以北美地區為例The Design and Application of Garage Multifunctional Storage Racks -Taking North America as an Example