林慧斐王銀國Lin, Hui-FeiWang, Yin-Kuo張儀同Chang, Yi-Tung2022-06-082022-01-032022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/37a5f4613b7802f83e7bbe9713a03b14/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117404近年來社群媒體崛起,政治人物在選舉與行銷時,使用政治廣告影片在社群平台上宣傳時常可見,本研究試圖透過新興技術深度偽造(Deepfake)製作候選人政治廣告影片,並且模擬在臉書上發布的效果,結合期望違背理論,研究以 2 外表吸引力(外表吸引力高 vs. 外表吸引力低)x2性別(男性vs. 女性)x2公共政策類型(經濟發展 vs. 社會公平)之三因子組間實驗設計,探討三個自變項間在候選人之政治廣告影片對於年輕選民的候選人評價、候選人形象及投票意願的影響,以及廣告可信度在自變項與依變項之間的中介效果。本研究結果證實:(1)「外表吸引力高」的候選人,相較於「外表吸引力低」的候選人,更容易引發較正面的候選人評價、較佳的候選人形象以及較高的投票意願、(2)「女性」的候選人相較於「男性」的候選人,更容易引發較佳的候選人形象以及較高的投票意願、(3)提出「經濟發展」相關政策,相較於提出「社會公平」相關政策,更容以引發較佳的候選人形象、(4)在提出「經濟發展」相關政策時,外表吸引力較「高」之候選人會比外表吸引力較「低」的候選人,更容易引發較佳的候選人形象、較高的投票意願、(5)廣告可信度在外表吸引力、性別、公共政策類型與候選人評價、候選人形象與投票意願間無中介效果影響。With the rapid development of social media, politicians often post their political advertising videos on Facebook or Instagram to promote themselves when they are preparing for the election. Therefore, this research intends to use the expectancy violations theory as a basis, and make simulation with Deepfake to design a 3-factor between-subject experiment composed of Physical Attractiveness (high vs. low), Gender (Male vs. Female), and Political Views (economic development vs. social justice). The experiment aims to examine whether the variables could affect candidate evaluations, candidate images, and voters’ willingness to vote. It also tests the mediation effect advertising credibility has on the relationship between three independent variables and three dependent variables.The results of this research show that: (1) compared to candidates with low physical attractiveness, those with high physical attractiveness tend to receive positive comments, better candidate images, and higher voters’ willingness to vote; (2) compared to the male, female has a better candidate images and inspires higher voters’ willingness to vote; (3) compared to the social justice, policies related to economic development leads to a better candidate images; (4) when the candidate proposedpolicies about economic development, those with higher physical attractiveness leads to better candidate images and higher voters’ willingness to vote, compared to those with low physical attractiveness. (5) advertising credibility shows no mediation effect between 3 independent variables (Physical Attractiveness, Gender, and Political Views) and 3 dependent variables(Candidate evaluations, Candidate images, and Voters’ willingness to vote).深度偽造候選人政治廣告外表吸引力性別公共政策類型廣告可信度候選人評價候選人形象投票意願選舉DeepfakeCandidatePolitical advertisingPhysical AttractivenessGenderPolitical ViewsAdvertising credibilityCandidate evaluationsCandidate imagesVoters' willingness to VoteElection深度偽造政治廣告之外表吸引力、性別與公共政策類型對候選人評價、形象及投票意願影響:以台灣年輕選民為例The Effect of Physical Attractiveness, Gender, and Political Views on Candidate Evaluations, Candidate Images, and Voters' Willingness to Vote on Deepfake Political Advertising: From the Perspective of Young Voters in Taiwan學術論文