謝建成Shieh, Jiann-Cherng楊春暉Yeo, Chun-Hui2019-08-282007-2-12019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693150096%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/8920521世紀是服務的時代,瞭解顧客的需求,改善服務品質,並以使用者需求為導向是成功之要素。而網際網路的發達,數位化的來臨,使得圖書館的服務也邁向多元化服務,其中線上資料庫是目前圖書館不可或缺之核心服務。 本研究的目的為調查ERIC資料庫的服務品質,以SERVQUAL量表為基礎,修改建構之問卷「ERIC資料庫服務品質調查問卷」作為研究工具,進行問卷調查,並以國立臺灣師範大學教育學院碩士班研究生作為實證研究對象。經過調查分析結果,得到以下結論: 一、ERIC資料庫的使用者年齡介於21-30歲之間,以碩二及碩三的研究生為主,並以女生居多。 二、ERIC資料庫的使用者普遍上使用ERIC的經驗少於1年,熟悉電腦及網路,使用ERIC之主要目的為學術及研究工作。 三、ERIC資料庫的使用者可根據使用過程中之期望因素分成2個需求集群,分別為「內容可靠及好用導向群」及「問題回應及服務保證導向群」。前者為核心使用者,重視內容可靠程度;後者則重視資料庫對於問題的回應效率。 四、使用者普遍上透過EBSCO及ProQuest使用ERIC資料庫。Based upon SERVQUAL measurement scales, this study is to investigate the service quality of ERIC database by questionnaire survey. It is designed and used to conduct a survey among the graduate students in National Taiwan Normal University. The results support the following conclusions: 1. Most of the users of ERIC database are the graduate students from 2nd and 3rd grade, aged between 21-30 years old, females in the majority. 2. Generally, the users’ experience with ERIC database is less than one year. Users are familiar with using computer and Internet, and their main purpose of using ERIC database is doing academic research. 3. According to expectation factors, users of ERIC database can be divided into two clusters: (1) Content reliability and Usefulness oriented. (2) Question responsiveness and service assurance oriented. The first cluster represents the majority of ERIC database users, who value the content reliability. While the second cluster users value the speed of question respond. 4. Generally, ERIC database users search the database through EBSCO and ProQuest platforms.服務品質資料庫服務品質SERVQUALERIC資料庫Service QualityDatabase Service QualitySERVQUALERIC Database (Education Resources Information Center)ERIC資料庫之服務品質研究A Study of Service Quality of ERIC Database