陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih郭姵含Kuo, Pei-Han2022-06-082022-07-022022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8801e55bce32737764a4f478eeb4c0dd/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117369本研究旨在設計一套適合國中生的寫作教學課程,將幽默寫作技法融入寫作教學,探討該課程對國中生幽默感及寫作能力之提升效果,並進一步比較創造傾向的高低是否會影響幽默感及寫作能力的提升程度。本研究採不等組前後測的準實驗設計,以新北市某國中九年級學生為研究對象,其中實驗組48 人(男生佔41.7%),對照組53 人(男生佔49.1%),共101人。實驗組接受「幽默技法融入寫作教學」,強調誇大、譬喻及諧音等技法進行教學;對照組接受「一般寫作教學」,每週一節,共進行六週的教學活動。以「多向度幽默感量表」、「寫作評定量表」、「威廉斯創造力傾向量表」及「模擬會考作文成績」為研究工具,經統計分析後獲得以下結論:1. 幽默技法融入寫作教學課程對國中生「幽默感」之影響:可以有效提升整體「幽默感」,以及其中的「幽默理解能力」、「幽默創造能力」、「笑的傾向」;但是無法有效提升「社交情境中的幽默能力」、「幽默因應能力」、「對幽默的態度」。2. 幽默技法融入寫作教學課程對國中生「寫作能力」之影響:整體「寫作能力」,以及其中的「文法修辭」、「內容思想」、「組織結構」、「創意幽默」;此外「模擬及正式會考作文成績」亦獲得有效提升。3. 創造傾向對教學課程在「寫作能力」之調節效果:在寫作能力的部分,「整體創造傾向」及其中的「好奇性」對作文評定量表中的「創意幽默」具有調節效果;但其餘部分均未具有調節效果。4. 創造傾向對教學課程在「幽默感」之調節效果:在幽默感的部份,創造傾向對幽默感未具有調節效果。 最後依據研究結果提出具體建議,以供後續教學實務與相關研究參考。The main purposes of this study were to integrate the humorous writing techniques into a writing course that is suitable for junior high school students.This study aimed to investigate the effects of humorous writing teaching composition program on the sense of humor and writing ability, and investigate whether the level of creativity affects the improvement of their sense of humor and writing ability.A nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed. The ninth grade students in New Taipei City, 46 boys and 55 girls, 48 in the experimental group and 53 in the control group, totaling 101 students, were studied. The experimental group received" Humorous Writing Teaching Composition Program ", emphasizing exaggerations, metaphors, and harmonicas; the control group received " Traditional Writing Teaching Composition Program ", with one session per week for six weeks. The quantitative instruments utilized to examine the effects of this study were the multidimensional sense of humor scale, Scale of Writing Performance, Creativity Assessment Packet, and the grades in the chinese composition on the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students, which were administered at the end of the curriculum.The findings were presented as the following:1. The humorous writing teaching composition program could improve junior high school students’ sense of humor, and the aspects of the ability of understanding of humor, the ability of sense of humor and creativity, and the tendency to laugh. But, it could not improve the aspects of the ability of humor coping, the ability of using humor in social context, and the attitude toward humor.2. The humorous writing teaching composition program could improve junior high school students’ writing ability, and the aspects of grammar, contents, organization, and sense of humor and creativity. Furthermore, the students in the experimental group got more significant improvements in the Composition Grades in Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students.3. In the part of writing ability, the overall creative tendency and the aspects of curiosity have moderation effect on the"sense of humor and creativity " in Scale of Writing Performance; but the rest neither has moderation effect. 4. Creative tendency has no moderation effect on the sense of humor.幽默感幽默技巧一般寫作教學幽默技法融入寫作教學寫作能力創造傾向Sense of humorHumor skillsTraditional Writing Teaching Composition ProgramHumorous Writing Teaching Composition ProgramWriting abilityCreative tendency幽默寫作教學對國中生幽默感及寫作能力的提升效果:以創造傾向為調節變項The Effect of Humorous Writing Teaching Composition Program onJunior High School Students' Sense of Humor and Writing Ability: Creative Tendency as a Moderator學術論文