劉美慧博士徐瑋伶2019-08-282011-09-012019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695000233%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90127本研究旨在探討高中校園生活事件中學生的公民意識與行動,並分析這些事件呈現的公民教育意義,進而提出對於我國高中公民與社會科教學改革的意見。本研究採用教育民族誌,在北部某所新興高中進行兩年九個月的研究。利用參與觀察、文件分析,並訪談事件重要當事人,以蒐集校園重要事件並探究這些事件的意義。 本研究發現,就學生的公民意識與行動而言,高中校園事件的性質可區分為 被學校認可與否,而不被學校認可的公民參與行動展現的抗拒力更為強烈;其 次,學生的行動類型可分為抗拒型、區隔排斥型、反叛型、噤聲型,皆展現了學生的能動性與創造力;第三,發起行動的人物類型則以領導型與群眾型所維持的時間較為長久;第四,在校園事件中學生敏覺到群體認同感、個人權利、公平原則等公民意識。就校園生活事件的公民教育意義而言,公共討論空間的建立有助於學生意見表達,並且應引導學生理解多元文化。The main purposes of this study are to explore high school students’ citizenship and civic participation in occurrences on campus , to analyze the civic educational meanings reflected in these occurrences, and to propose suggestions for innovations in the instruction of “Civics and Society” in high schools. This study employed educational ethnography and lasted two years and nine months in a newly-founded high school in northern Taiwan. Participant observations, document analysis and interviews were used to collect the important occurrences on campus. In terms of students’ awareness of and participation in citizenship, the results are listed as follows: 1. The occurrences on senior high campus could be classified as acceptable and unacceptable, and students’ resistance to autonomous civic participation which were unacceptable by the school was much stronger. 2. Students’ civic participation could be classified as resistance, segmentation-rejection, rebellion, and silence, all of which showed students’ initiativeness and creativity. 3. Activities initiated by student leaders and by student groups tended to last longer. 4. Qualities of citizenship such as group identity, student rights and equality were perceived by students through these events on campus. In terms of the educational meaning of civics education regarding campus life occurrences, the study found that the establishment of platforms for public discussion helped students express opinions and that life events on campus led students to understand cultural diversity.公民參與抗拒公民教育civic participationresistancecivic education從高中校園事件再思公民教育的意義