郭郡羽Kuo,Chun-Yu洪儷芸Hung,Li-Yun2022-06-082026-02-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/10a3eb9e20d9b663d30891e898e3f402/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117191人是群居的動物,很少有人能離群索居地生活,完全不與他人互動,個體由於受到群體中其他成員的影響而改變自己的行為,這種從眾的現象常見於日常生活中,而從眾也存在個體內差異,可能會因著個體不同的特質而有不同程度的從眾,然而並非所有的研究都有相似的結論,在從眾行為與自閉傾向的關聯性研究中就有著不一致的發現,在Yafai等人(2013)的研究顯示自閉症者比起非自閉症者更不從眾;而在Lazzaro等人(2018)的研究中發現自閉症與從眾行為無關。因此,本研究的主要目的則是要釐清自閉傾向與從眾行為間的關聯性,並為過去不一致的發現提出可能的解釋。本研究透過透過將他人的意見呈現於提示畫面中來營造從眾情境,並觀察他人意見一致性是否會影響記憶再認作業的表現,同時以自閉光譜量表評估參與者的自閉傾向。結果發現自閉傾向對從眾行為沒有影響、群眾意見一致性越高從眾行為越多。People live with social group, we interact with others everyday. Individuals may change their behavior or attitude due to observation of other’s performance within the group. The definition of conformity as behavior intended to fulfill normative group expectancies as presently perceived by the individual. Individual differences of comformity had been observed in pervious studies. However, not all studies have similar conclusions. There are inconsistencies in the research on the correlation between herding behavior and autism tendency. A study by Yafai et al. (2013) showed that people with autism were less conformed than non-autistic people; and a study by Lazzaro et al. (2018) failed to observed the differences between low and high actistic tendency groups. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to clarify whether autistic tendency correlate with conformity. This study created a conformity situation by presenting the opinions of others in the screen, and observed whether the consistency of the opinions of others would affect the performance of the memory recognition task. The autistic tendency was also evaluated by Autism -spectrum Quotient. The results found that autistic tendency had no effect on conformity behavior, and the higher the consensus of the masses, the more conformity behavior.自閉傾向從眾行為群眾意見一致性Social ConformityautismOpinions Similarity群眾意見一致性及自閉傾向對從眾行為的影響The Influence of Opinions Similarity and the tendency of autism on Social Conformity學術論文